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Opportunity and Strategy
Creating New Ventures
Functional Development
Growth and Financing
  Business Plans (App. A)
  Case Studies (App. B)
Online Sources (App. C)
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Entrepreneurial Perspective
Idea or Opportunity
Gathering Resources
Managing Ventures
Entrepreneurship and You
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This session will examine the economic and cultural underpinnings of the center of technology entrepreneurship, with Silicon Valley as the driving example. Also, we will introduce overarching frameworks and models by Randy Komisar, Jerry Kaplan and William Sahlman for creating and growing technology ventures

Relevant Textbook Chapters
Chapter 2 Opportunity and the Business Opportunity
Chapter 3 Building a Competitive Edge
Discussion Questions
1. Brainstorm a list of some exciting technologies and their associated industries. Share in class!
2. What is the primary reason for the growth of influential economic hubs like Silicon Valley?
3. Visit the websites of Yahoo and Sun and Google. What business do you think they really are in?
Slidedeck: Silicon Valley and Entrepreneurship
Professors Randy Komisar's slidedeck for this second session.
Heidi Roizen: Why be an entrepreneur now?
Why be an entrepreneur now? 1) There is still a tremendous amount of capital. Mobius, in 2002, had 500 million -- 800 million left to invest in one fund. 2) There is rationality for the market with respect to hiring, office space and expectations of people to work with. 3) Roizen belives that the valuations are still pretty high. 4) Collaborative efforts between entrepreneurs and VCs, and VCs with other VCs, are strong. Communication is high. 5) The opportunity to work with a VC is that it is the one time in your life you have someone working for you and paying you at the same time.
Jerry Kaplan: Timing is important
Jerry Kaplan says that every idea is repeatedly proposed. Timing of an idea is very important and very difficult to call. This involves enabling technologies, customers and trends in the investment industry. Kaplan gives examples from TiVo and Amazon. An idea does not stand alone independent of timing and the investment industry.
Jerry Kaplan: Best time to start a company
Most people will work on an idea for a company for 2-3 yrs before they get the money. Develop the idea, get prototype together before raising the money. The best time to start a company according to Jerry is when everybody thinks it is impossible. He thinks this is a terrific time to start an internet company.
Vinod Khosla: How the entreprenur bug bit me
Story of how the entrepreneurship bug grabbed him, Intel as first example of role model.
The Monk and the Riddle
Through storytelling, Komisar shares his insight on the art of creating a life while making a living. He takes the reader through a hypothetical Silicon Valley startup and helps the main character discover his real purpose and passion, above the goal of making money.
Growth of a Silicon Valley Empire
A short history of Silicon Valley and Stanford and how the San Francisco Bay Area's fertile intellectual ground helped to sprout high technology industries and companies from Intel to Xerox PARC. With encouragement to develop the practical areas of science and engineering, entrepreneurs are nurtured and lauded.
Technology Ventures
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