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Table of Contents
Opportunity and Strategy
Creating New Ventures
Functional Development
Growth and Financing
  Business Plans (App. A)
  Case Studies (App. B)
Online Sources (App. C)
Sample Syllabus
Course Overview
Calendar of Sessions
Entrepreneurial Perspective
Idea or Opportunity
Gathering Resources
Managing Ventures
Entrepreneurship and You
Additional Resources
Courses Using This Textbook

Chapter Summary
Every business is built on a set of operational processes that serve to create, make, and provide the product to the customer. Most businesses build a chain of activities that add value at each section of the chain. Each element of the value chain has a capability that provides value added to the product. A new venture manages its value chain to provide the ultimate product to the customer. The firm also moves, stores, and tracks parts and materials to its value-adding partners and strives to ensure timely, efficient production of the service or product. Information flow along the value chain enables the coordination of the distributed tasks. An effective enterprise manages for operational excellence by trying to develop and communicate measurements of efficiency and timeliness.

MicroAge, Inc.: Orchestrating the Information Technology Value Chain
MicroAge, Inc. started as a storefront in Tempe, AZ in 1976 selling personal computer kits to hobbyists. During their first year of operation, founders Jeff McKeever and Alan Hald sold $1.5 million worth of computer kits, priced at under $1,000 each. Twenty years later, revenues exceeded $3.5 billion dollars, while the business evolved from a computer store to a master reseller and full-line integrator of information technology products. MicroAge continually reinvented itself and its business with an entrepreneurial spirit most companies of its size cannot enjoy. MicroAge thrives on the theory that many of its fiercest competitors can also be its best clients.
Donner Co.
The management of a small manufacturer of circuit boards faces a number of production and operations management problems. The first day on this case is used to analyze the production capacity of various stages in the process and to examine bottlenecks and key production flow decisions. The emphasis is on physical flows. The second day the emphasis is on information flows. We look in detail at the problems faced by the company, discuss the tools and techniques of process analysis that can be used to determine the relative importance of those problems, identify solutions, and discuss implementation issues.
David Neeleman: JetBlue: Employee Incentives and Rewards
Many people say that United spends 40% of costs on labor, and JetBlue only spends 25%. Does JetBlue pay its employees 1/2 as much as United? Neeleman points out that JetBlue pays employees more than standard wages at United. They use technology to be more efficient, to spend less money in other areas. Much of the pay that employees receive is incentives. For example, pilots and flight attendants who fly over 70 hours each month receive time and 1/2. About 20% of compensation last year was based on the success of the company. In our 2nd full year of operation, we paid over 17 million back to our employees, which is 15 1/2%.
What Is the Right Supply Chain for Your Products?
Never has so much technology and brainpower been applied to improving supply chain performance. But the performance of many supply chains has never been worse. Why haven't the new ideas and technologies led to improved performance? Because, Marshall Fisher says, companies lack a framework for deciding which ones are best for their particular situation. Fisher offers such a framework to help managers understand the nature of the demand for their products and devise the supply chain that can best satisfy that demand.


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