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EDUC 303X Designing Learning Spaces Project 1 Design Brief

Missed Opportunities/Creative Possibilities

Sample Poster from April 17 Class

Goals: - Analyze existing learning spaces and reflect on possibilities - Practice the first steps in the process of designing learning spaces (e.g., observation, documentation, and ideation) - Gain experience presenting findings in conference settings

Assignment: Document (photos, descriptions, interviews, observations, etc.) a public space where you see an opportunity for learning that is being missed. Some examples are: museums, lounges, public sculpture, playgrounds, parks, parking lots, supermarkets, shopping centers, libraries, anywhere!

Spend 20-30 minutes in this space and consider why learning activities have not explicitly been created. What are the missed opportunities? How could different audiences be engaged? Who are the stakeholders? Who are the designers? What redesign or intervention(s) would integrate learning into the space? What other questions occurred to you during this project?

Deliverable: Poster Presentation for a Conference Poster Session.

A poster session is a popular format for sharing work at professional and academic conferences. We’ll have a mini-conference in week 4 to look at each other’s work and share ideas.

Poster Details: Your poster should be no larger than 24” x 30”. University Art on Hamilton Ave in downtown Palo Alto (650) 328-3500 can sell you a piece of ‘railroad board’ (lightweight posterboard) for about $1; perfect for this project. You can also buy posterboard at drugstores or the Stanford bookstore.

Be Ready For: - 30-second pitch explaining your work to the class - Evaluations from peers and instructors - Discussion that compares and connects the various learning spaces

Criteria: - Quality of Work: are observations detailed? insightful? original? How well did you address the project description? - Clarity of Presentation: At first glance, does the audience understand the space you observed and your intervention? Is your pitch clear and coherent?

Time for project: 8 hours total

Due: May 1

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Page last modified on April 24, 2006, at 04:13 PM