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Why I'm interested in Designing Learning Spaces

I'd like my institution to enable studentd to connect their learning activities in class with their learning activites in libraries, residences, and other places students study. I believe that well-designed spaces can help studetns collaborate face-to-face and virtually and I hope tha thtis class will help me explore these issues.

Reflections on Campus Learning Space

I have been surprised at how much learning I've done in the building lounge in my EV studio. While the wireless netowrk and my laptop have obviously played a big part in this, it has been incredibly stimulating to interact with people who are studying in so many different disciplines. I find that i am learning far moer about others' topics than what I came here to study!

Leland Stanford: Jane, I too have learned from talking to neighbors, in fact I've come to realize that perhaps I should have majored in microbiology as an undergrad. In any case, I wonder to what extent you connect the learning you've been assigned to do in the structure of your course with this more informal process that seems to happen in lounges. For example, because you exchange ideas with pople outside your discipline so well, does this help you exchange ideas with your fellow School of Ed students?

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Page last modified on April 07, 2006, at 05:21 PM