4/17 - Free write on Week 1 readings

The readings this week reminded myself of a lot of the readings that I had done in past years as an undergraduate in the child development and psychology departments. Especially with my background in early childhood education, it seems as though much of it is very relevant to connecting the real world to what happens in the classroom. The chapter 3 from the NRC article was a review of the importance of bringing the outside, "real world" to the classroom. Especially with my background in early childhood education, there is an emphasis on bringing the "grown up" world down to the child so that he or she can experience and learn real world skills that they see around them. Playing with the WIKI made my free write a bit shorter than expected!

Dan Gilbert: Glad that you are able to connect your undergrad work with grad work, a great skill to develop. Also, I'm interested in hearing more about bringing grown up world down to children and vice versa. One of the best classes I had in grad school was finger painting on the Wed. before thanksgiving when most of the class was gone. Check out Tina Seelig's course on creativity: http://www.stanford.edu/class/msande277/ They spend a lot of time getting grown-ups to use the processes and techniques familiar to younger children to inspire new ideas.

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