Introduction to Feminist Studies
Feminist Studies 101/History 173c
Stanford University, Autumn 1999

course overview
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I. Graded Writing Assignments
  • 10/11   Topics distributed for Paper #1 (5-6 pp)
  • 10/18   Paper #1 due BEFORE CLASS BEGINS
  • 11/15   Topics distributed for Paper #2 (5-6 pp)
  • 11/22   Paper #2 due BEFORE CLASS BEGINS
  • 12/1     Final paper topics distributed (10-12 pages)
  • 12/9     Final papers due in History Dept. office by 3 p.m.
II. Ungraded writing assignments (must be handed in on time for credit):

A. 2 page weekly responses to required reading due to section leader before section, starting September 27th.

B. 1-2 page responses to required films only, due to section leader before section, starting week of September 27th.

      View by:  Required Films [length], (recommended films listed in parentheses)

    • 9/29    "Small Happiness"  [58 min.]
    • 10/06  ("Some American Feminists", "One Fine Day")
    • 10/11  "Beyond Beijing" [60 min.] (with "A Veiled Revolution" 27 min.)
    • 10/18  "Sin City" [29 min.], response in section; screened with following film
    • 10/20  Global Assembly Line" [58 min.]
    • 11/8    "Camp Lavender Hill" [30 min.] (with "Choosing Children, 45 min.)
    • 11/10  "Still Killing Us Softly" and "Mirror, Mirror" [films IN CLASS, responses in section]
    • 11/17  "Silent No More" [56 min.]
    • 11/29  ("My Heart Is My Witness" 55 min.)
C.  4-5 page small group summary/evaluation paper, due BEFORE LAST LECTURE (12/3), based on ongoing journal and short thought pieces for small groups

Tutoring and Writing Resources10/7/97
  • WCT TUTORIAL CENTER: The Writing and Critical Thinking Tutorial Center is located in Wilbur Module A, room 21, Escondido and Campus Drive.  There is a conference schedule/sign-up sheet on the back of the door. Wendy Goldberg, tutor, can be reached at wendyfay@leland (also at 856-8518 and 3-0360).

    • CTL offers students the help of PEER WRITING TUTORS (tutors are nominated by WCT instructors, who consult in their training). Tutoring takes place in Meyer Library, rooms 311 and 317, from Sunday through Thursday.  "To avoid 'double-booking,' students no longer sign up in CTL for the Meyer tutors. They should now request an appointment at the time of their choice by e-mailing the tutor scheduled in that slot." 
    • Six dorms (Kimball, Lantana, Mirrielees, Roble, Toyon, and West Lagunita) have RESIDENT WRITING TUTORS (additionally, a few non-resident writing tutors will also offer hours in the dorm).  Students can e-mail resident tutors for appointments or drop by in the hopes of filling an open slot. 
    • An ONLINE TUTOR can be consulted at writutor@CTL.  Note: At present, all peer tutors available to work directly with WCT classes have been assigned. 

  • ACADEMIC RESOURCE CENTER (ARC), Arilliga Family Sports Center, Dining Hall: ARC academic tutoring is most frequently used by, and oriented toward, athletes but is available to any Stanford undergraduate. 

  • DEPARTMENT OF LINGUISTICS/ENGLISH FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS (EFS): EFS courses are open to undergraduates by special permission only. The EFS program can provide students with a list of tutors ("fee arrangements must be made independent of the English for Foreign Student program"). Cristy Juencke (3-1310) is available to talk to instructors concerning students' difficulties with spoken or written English.

  • EL CENTRO CHICANO'S WRITING AND MENTOR PROGRAM (ECCWMP): Rosalinda Ramirez is coordinating the ECCWMP, which is "designed to further assist [students] in developing university level writing skills (both in English and Spanish) and in navigating academic life at Stanford." Classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:30 - 4:00 pm at El Centro Chicano.  Hours will be added as needed. Students can drop by or reach Rosalinda at 3-3091 or LRamirez@leland.

  • DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER (DRC): Meyer, room 123, 3-1066. Instructors can consult counselors at DRC about referring students for diagnosis or counseling.  Students are also welcome to visit the DRC independently. 

  • COUNSELING AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (CAPS), Cowell Student Health Center: 3-3785 (all hours). Students who are diagnosed with writing phobias can find help at CAPS.  Students can set up appointments directly;  instructors can also speaks with counselors about referring students. CAPS sponsors a range of workshops and support groups.  

    THE BRIDGE: 3-3392 or drop in (563 Salvatierra Walk). Peer counselors at the Bridge are available to talk to students any time. The Bridge sponsors a variety of workshops and support groups. 

Some Tips for Graded Papers:

     We are interested in how well you comprehend the issues raised in readings, lectures, and films and in your abilities to express your views clearly and persuasively.  Papers will be evaluated on clarity of argument, use of evidence, and stylistic presentation.  At the beginning of a paper, state your thesis or argument in response to the question or topic; then structure the paper clearly to establish your points; use topic sentences to show where the paper is going; avoid overgeneralization (re: historical periods, cultures, classes, races, etc.--look for patterns but be aware of distinctions).  Some common pitfalls: women are victims; nothing changes; my experience (personal, family, group) is the most relevant; my experience (personal, family, group) is not relevant (i.e., "I can't speak because I'm not the most oppressed"). 


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