Beilstein German to English and English to German Dictionary

German to English (P–R)

Copyright 1990 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer-Verlag.


Petrolather (m)                      petroleum ether
Paraffin (n)                         paraffin (wax)
paraffiniert                         coated with paraffin wax
paramagnetisch                       paramagnetic
paraständig                          in (the) para position
Partialdruck (m)                     partial pressure
partiell                             partial(ly)
periodisch                           periodic
Petrol-äther (m)                     petroleum ether
Pfefferminz-öl (n)                   peppermint oil
Pflanze (f)                          plant
pflanzlich (e Herkunft)              (of) vegetable (origin)
pharmazeutisch                       pharmaceutic(al)
Phasen-diagramm (n)                  phase diagram
Phasen-gleichgewicht (n)             phase equilibrium
Phasen-grenze (f)                    phase boundary
Phasen-umwandlung (f)                phase transformation
Phosphor (m)                         phosphorus
Phosphorescnz (f)                    phosphorescence
photochemisch                        photochemical
photoelektrisch                      photoelectric(al)
Photolyse (f)                        photolysis
photolytisch                         photolytic
Photomagnetismus (m)                 photomagnetism
Photoreaktion (f)                    photo reaction
physikalisch                         physical
physiologisch                        physiological
piezoelektrisch                      piezoelectric
Pikrinsäure (f)                      picric acid
Pilz (m)                             agaric
Pilz (m)                             mushroom
Pilz (m)                             fungus, agaric, mushroom
Platin-elektrode (f)                 platinum electrode
Platin-schale (f)                    platinum dish
Polarisations-grad (m)               degree of polarization
Polarisierbarkeit (f)                polarizability
Polarisierbarkeits-ellipsoid (n)     polarizability ellipsoid
polarisiert                          polarized
Polarographie (f)                    polargraphy
polykristallin                       polycrystalline
Porzellan-rohr (n)                   porcellan tubing
Porzellan-rohr (n)                   porcellan tube
Potential-differenz (f)              potential difference
Potential-schwelle (f)               potential barrier
Potential-verlauf (m)                potential curve
potentiometrisch                     potentiometric
Pottasche (f)                        potassium carbonate
Pottasche (f)                        potash
Präparat (n)                         preparation
Präparat (n)                         compound
präparativ                           preparative
primär                               primary
Primärstadium (n)                    primary stage
Produkt (n)                          product
Produkt-ausbeute (f)                 product yield
Produktions-ausbeute (f)             output
Produktions-ausbeute (f)             production yield
Protenen-affinität (f)               proton affinity
protoniert                           protonated
Protonierungs-gleichgewicht (n)      protonation equilibrium
Prüfung (f)                          examination
Prüfung (f)                          test(ing)
Puffer (m)                           buffer
puffern                              buffer, (to)
Pulver (n)                           powder
Punkt (m)                            point
Py (n)                               pyridine
Pyridin (n)                          pyridine
pyrogen                              pyrogenic
Pyrolyse (f)                         pyrolysis

Beilstein German to English Dictionary
Copyright 1990 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer-Verlag.


Quadrupel-punkt (m)                  quadruple point
Quanten-ausbeute (f)                 quantity yield
quantitativ                          quantitative
qua(r)ternär                         quaternary
Quarz (m)                            quartz
Quarz-rohr (n)                       quartz tubing
Quarz-rohr (n)                       quartz tube
Quarz-sand (m)                       quartz sand
Quecksilber (n)                      mercury
Quelle (f)                           source
Quellung (f)                         swelling
Querschnitt (m)                      cross-section
quinär                               quinary

Beilstein German to English Dictionary
Copyright 1990 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. Reproduced for educational purposes with permission from Springer-Verlag.


racemisieren                         racemize, (to)
Radikal (n)                          radical
Rand-winkel (m)                      edge angle
Rand-winkel (m)                      contact angle
ranzig                               rancid
rasch                                rapid(ly)
Ratte (f)                            rat
rauchen                              smoke, (to)
rauchen                              fume, (to)
rauchend                             smoking
rauchend                             fuming
Raum-gruppe (f)                      space group
Raum-temperatur (f)                  room temperature
Rayleigh-Streuung (f)                Rayleigh-scattering
Reagenz (n)                          reagent
reaktionsfördernd                    promoting reaction
reaktionsfördernd                    favouring reaction
Reaktions-gefäss (n)                 reaction vessel
Reaktions-gemisch (n)                reaction mixture
Reaktions-geschwindigkeit (f)        reaction rate
Reaktions-lösung (f)                 reaction solution
Reaktions-partner (m)                reactant
Reaktions-produkt (n)                reaction product
Reaktions-system (n)                 reaction system
Reaktions-zone (f)                   reaction zone
Reaktivität (f)                      reactivity
Reaktor (m)                          reactor
Reaktor-bechaffenheit (f)            reactor constitution (nature of materials used)
Reaktor-wand (f)                     reactor wall
rechts                               right
rechtsdrehend                        dextrorotatory
reflektieren                         reflect, (to)
Reflexions-Bande (f)                 reflexion band
refractometrisch                     refractometric
Reihe (f)                            row
Reihe (f)                            sequence
Reihe (f)                            series
Reihenfolge (f)                      sequence
Reihenfolge (f)                      order
rein                                 clean
rein                                 pure
reinblau                             pure blue
Reindarstellung (f)                  preparation in a pure state
Reingewinning (f)                    preparation (isolation ) in a pure state
Reinheit (f)                         purity
Reinheits-prüfung (f)                test of purity
Reinigung (f)                        cleaning
Reinigung (f)                        purification
Reis (m)                             rice
Reis-kleie (f)                       rice bran
Riezung (f)                          irritation
Reizung (f)                          stimulation
Reizungs-stadium (n)                 degree of stimulation
Reizungs-stadium (n)                 irritation
Reizungs-stadium (n)                 stage
relativ                              relative
Relaxations-zeit (f)                 relaxation time
Resonanz (f)                         resonance
Resonanz-Raman-Effekt (m)            resonance Raman effect
resorptiv                            resorptive
Rest (m)                             remains
Rest (m)                             rest
Rest (m)                             residue
restlich                             remaining
restlich                             residual
Retorte (f)                          retort
richtig                              right
richtig                              correct
Richtung (f)                         orientation
Richtung (f)                         direction
riechen                              to smell
Rind (n)                             cow
Rind (n)                             steer
Rind (n)                             ox
Rinde (f)                            crust
Rinde (f)                            rind
Rinde (f)                            bark
Ring (m)                             cycle
Ring (m)                             ring
Rohphenol (n)                        crude phenol
Rohprodukt (n)                       raw product
Rohprodukt (n)                       crude
Rohr (n)                             tubing
Rohr (n)                             tube
Rohr-länge (f)                       length of tube
Rohr-zucker (m)                      cane sugar
Röntgen-Diagramm (n)                 X-ray pattern
Röntgen-Luminescenzspektrum (n)      X-ray luminescence spectrum
röntgenographisch                    radiographical (by means of X-rays)
Röntgen-Strahlen (m)                 X-rays
rosarot                              pink
Rost (m)                             rust
rostfrei                             stainless
rostfrei                             rust-proof
rot                                  red
rötlich                              reddish
rötlichgelb                          reddish yellow
Rotations-konstante (f)              rotational constant
Rotations-linie (f)                  rotational line
Rotations-sprung(übergang) (m)       rotational transition
Rotations-Raman-Spektrum (n)         rotational Raman spectrum
Rotations-struktur (f)               rotational structure
rotierend                            rotating
Rötung (f)                           reddening
Rücken-mark (n)                      spinal cord
Rücken-mark (n)                      spinal marrow
Rückfluss (m)                        reflux
Rückegewinnung (f)                   recovery
Rückstand (m)                        residue
rückwärts                            backwards
ruft...hervor                        results in
ruft...hervor                        produces
ruft...hervor                        gives rise to
ruhend                               (in the) stationary (condition)
ruhend                               (in the) quiescent (condition)
rühren                               to stir
unter Rühren                         with stirring
Rührwerk (n)                         stirrer
russend                              smoking
russend                              sooty
russend                              smoky