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Working with employees in private enterprise

Employees in private enterprise are very likely to be involved whenever you decide to bring a manufacturer into the project in an ongoing relationship. In practice, your arrangements must be with the company, even though on a regular basis you will be dealing with employees.

The Technology Transfer Act encourages joint research and development, and the history of technology transfer shows that transfer is most likely to occur when manufacturers are in agreement with the need for a product and help in its design and development. Accordingly, you should give serious thought to involving a manufacturer early in the course of your project if a marketable product will result.

Previously, we presented an Operational Interaction Model for Technology Transfer (page 27). It's important that you review that model before you select a manufacturer for cooperation. It very likely will help you to compare the alternatives when more than one company "makes sense" as a partner. In brief, compare the firms on the basis of their

 Transfer Officer
 Center Director
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