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In order to help users navigate the resources on this toolkit, researchers have suggested related pages based on topic. Additionally, initial findings or recommendations are listed.


Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Challenges

Benefits of Effective Assessment

Assessment as Art

Assessment Questions and Types of Data

Quality of Assessment

Direct Question Categories

Data Analysis

Communicating Results

Engendering Support


Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Challenges

Need to recognize the importance of partnering formal classroom experiences with other curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities to maximize student development
The softest outcomes are often the hardest to measure

NCPI Resources

Key Findings from Project 5.3

Glossary of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

NCPI Project 5.3 Publication List

What is a Conceptual Model?

Links to Resources

National Center for Postsecondary Improvement

Benefits of Effective Assessment

Generates focus and involvement among students, staff, and faculty
Offers a way to document and share successes and failures

NCPI Resources

Presentation Materials for Campus Leaders

Key Findings from Project 5.3

National Center for Postsecondary Improvement



Assessment as Art

Need to design carefully, build on existing and planned information resources, and allow for adaptation over time
Methodology anticipates criticisms and resistance
Need to find a workable mix of methodologies and tools

NCPI Resources

Presentation Materials for Campus Leaders

Key Findings from Project 5.3

Glossary of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

What is a Conceptual Model?

Conceptual Model Template of NCPI Research

A Checklist for Survey Administrators

A Checklist for Interview Researchers

An Interview Protocol Checklist

A Sample Interview Protocol

Interviewing Tips

Pros and Cons of using Focus Groups

Potential Focus Group Participants

Informed Consent Policy


Project Overview

Project History

National Center for Postsecondary Improvement



Assessment Questions and Types of Data

What kinds of students are attracted to our programs?
What kinds of experiences do students have in the programs we offer?
How do students change as a result of their experiences? (Requires longitudinal data.)
Most questions about program effectiveness and student development require longitudinal data (pre-test, post-test)
Cross-sectional data on groups of students - a snapshot - can be used to answer some basic assessment questions

NCPI Resources

Glossary of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

Introduction to the Surveys

The Faculty Survey

The Student Survey

A Sample Interview Protocol

Pros and Cons of using Focus Groups



Quality of Assessment

High Road approach: Formal experiment with full randomization of students
Low Road approach: Natural experiments
Data collection tools and approaches include: exams, standardized (commercial) survey instruments, locally-developed instruments, qualitative approaches, unobtrusive approaches (archival/transcript information)

NCPI Resources

NCPI Project 5.3 Publication List

Introduction to the Surveys

The Faculty Survey

The Student Survey

A Checklist for Survey Administrators

A Checklist for Interview Researchers

An Interview Protocol Checklist

A Sample Interview Protocol

Interviewing Tips

Pros and Cons of using Focus Groups

Potential Focus Group Participants

Informed Consent Policy

Links to Resources

National Center for Postsecondary Improvement



Direct Question Categories

Aspirations and expectations
Self-ratings of abilities
Changes in self-ratings (Low Road version)
Values and attitudes
Behavioral patterns
Personal and programmatic questions

NCPI Resources

Glossary of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment

NCPI Project 5.3 Publication List

A Checklist for Survey Administrators

Links to Resources

National Center for Postsecondary Improvement



Data Analysis

Make important aspects in the data visible
Descriptive analyses ordinarily focus on "what" kinds of questions
Causal analyses are concerned with questions of "why" and "how"
Descriptive and causal analyses can share the same techniques (e.g., crosstabulation)

NCPI Resources

A Checklist for Survey Administrators



Communicating Results

Communicate the necessary methodology, findings, and implications
Use visual aids whenever possible
Whet the audience's appetite rather than giving every detail of the results
Always allow time for questions and discussion
Design the presentation so there will be next steps to be carried out, ideally involving the audience

NCPI Resources

Presentation Materials for Campus Leaders


Engendering Support

Emphasize feedback, not evaluation
Match tools to tasks (use High Road tools only when suited to task)
Expect resistance
Maintain flexibility
Capitalize on serendipity

NCPI Resources

Presentation Materials for Campus Leaders

Key Findings from Project 5.3

NCPI Project 5.3 Publication List




© 2003, National Center for Postsecondary Improvement, headquartered at the Stanford Institute for Higher Education Research