Student Assessment Toolkit Site Map


Brief Description


Welcome and Introduction to the toolkit
TUTORIAL Overview of the toolkit with recommendations


Findings from project research; links to research data by institution
RESOURCES FOR CAMPUS LEADERS Presentations and other resources for campus leaders
LITERATURE REVIEW Glossary of Teaching and Assessment Terms as well as Bibliographies
Suggested Articles
Publications related to terms discussed in the literature review
CONCEPTUAL MODELS An introduction to conceptual models

Tools for:

Survey resrarchers
Qualitative Researchers

Interviews, focus groups and informed consent policy


Survey Researchers

The Undergraduate Student Survey and The Faculty Survey
(Use of factor scales and individual variables in survey data analysis)

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES Miscellaneous resources and contact information for NCPI Project 5 staff
PROJECT HISTORY AND OVERVIEW An overview and history of Project 5, as well as toolkit overview


© 2003, National Center for Postsecondary Improvement.