24/7 Prayer at Stanford

Nov 7 - Nov 14

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks;
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.   I Thessalonians 5:16-18






Below is a prayer guide that will also be available within the Prayer Room.  The purpose of this list is to help make your prayer times more meaningful and effective.  We also encourage you to look to scripture during your time of prayer.

1.             Give God praise and thanksPraise God for who He is and for some of the blessings he has given you and people you know.  Listen to some worship music.  Sing praises to Him.

2.             Pray for not-yet believersPray for friends, family members, and people that need to be saved, asking God to open their hearts and allow them to see the truth of the Gospel of Christ.  Pray for opportunities to evangelize to not-yet believers and for God to continue to give our community a rich harvest of new believers.

3.             Pray for missionsPray for those people pursuing short-term or long-term missions.  Pray for their safety and time in a new place and/or culture.  Pray that God will use them abroad in witnessing to people and leading them to Christ.  Pray that they can help provide for people’s needs.         

4.             Pray for personal spiritual renewalPray about your personal walk with Christ including specific challenges and struggles you face.  Ask God for forgiveness of sins.  Look to scripture and ask God for guidance and counsel in your endeavors.  Feel free to put up Bible verses or drawings on the wall depicting aspects of God and/or your spiritual walk. 

5.             Pray for spiritual renewal in the body of ChristPray for genuine spiritual renewal/revival in the Bay Area and specifically at Stanford.  Pray that God will stir up complacent Christians and cause us to seek Him as never before.  Pray for walls of division to be torn down and for biblical unity within the body of Christ.  Pray for God to continue to pour out His Spirit in a fresh and powerful way.

6.             Pray for all nations and peoples of earth, and for those in authorityPray for people around the world and the different events and conflicts affecting them.  Pray that we may live in peace and concord and that people may seek truth and justice. 

7.             Pray for the specific requests of peopleSpend some time praying for individuals whose specific needs/requests you are aware of.  Be sure to include the needs/requests of those present in prayer meetings.  Feel free to put up specific prayer requests up on the wall for others to pray for you.

8.             Pray for those who suffer and are afflicted in body or in mindPray for both people you know personally and those you don’t know.  Pray for the hungry, homeless, destitute and oppressed; for the sick, wounded, and crippled; for those in loneliness, fear, and anguish; for those who face temptation, doubt, and despair; for the sorrowful and bereaved; for prisoners and captives and those in mortal danger.

9.             Pray for your church and on campus ministriesSpend some time praying about the needs of your church/fellowship.  Pray for the success of specific ministries that come to mind.  Pray for the leaders within your church/fellowship and that more people would participate in these ministries. 

10.         Praise God for answered prayerGive God praise for what He will do.  Express your faith and confidence in God to answer prayer. 

General Stanford Prayer Requests - if you have a general Stanford prayer request,  please email us at stanfordprayer AT gmail DOT com (other requests may be posted up in Stanford Prayer room) 

May 24/7 be for the glory of God, and the many amazing ways he is moving on campus and in our lives.

Stanford Prayer - for the edification of the body and the glory of God. email: stanfordprayer AT gmail DOT com