24/7 Prayer at Stanford

Nov 7 - Nov 14

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks;
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.   I Thessalonians 5:16-18






If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

God has been doing many amazing things at Stanford and we know He longs to do more within our midst.  We feel that a week of 24/7 prayer will be huge on its impact, both for the body and outside of it.  Prayer was a vital part of the early Church (Acts 2:42) and the believers here at Stanford feel that a week of persistent prayer is an awesome way to unite the body and for us to draw closer in relationship with God.  We are called to continually devote ourselves to prayer as it is how God empowers, reconciles, and draws us close to Him.

But, an entire week of prayer?!?  It is clear in the Bible that God wants us to be diligent in our prayer.  “Cry out to Him day and night.” (Luke 18:7)  God is working in many ways on this campus and prayer is how we talk with Him about our concerns, joys, thanksgivings, and challenges together.   We receive God’s blessings by earnestly asking Him in prayer (Luke 11:9).   In addition, God guides and empowers us through prayer.  Amidst His busy and demanding ministry, Jesus would wake up at odd hours of the morning and seek out a secluded location to pray (Mark 2:35)  Big decisions require big prayer as Jesus stayed up all night before going out the next day to pick His disciples (Luke 6:12).  

24/7 is to promote prayer and a closer relationship to our Lord and we invite you to join us as we share our joys, thanksgivings and concerns together in prayer.  This is an interdenominational, inter-campus ministry project, and hours of prayer and preparation have gone into making it possible. 

So how does 24/7 prayer work?  To participate, you sign up for a 1 hour slot, commit to go to the designated location and pray and worship.  You can sign up with your roommates, friends, small group or whoever.  And please consider an individual time slot for yourself as we do have 84 time slots to fill.  Many regular prayer meetings will also be held in the here and feel free to attend these.     

May 24/7 be for the glory of God, and the many amazing ways he is moving on campus and in our lives.

Stanford Prayer - for the edification of the body and the glory of God. email: stanfordprayer AT gmail DOT com