Digital Image Processing


Class Information

Class Schedule


Projects Win 2018/19

Projects Win 2017/18

Projects Aut 2016/17

Projects Aut 2015/16

Projects Spr 2014/15

Projects Spr 2013/14

Projects Win 2013/14

Projects Aut 2013/14

Projects Spr 2012/13

Projects Spr 2011/12

Projects Spr 2010/11

Projects Spr 2009/10

Projects Spr 2007/08

Projects Spr 2006/07

Projects Spr 2005/06

Projects Spr 2003/04

Projects Spr 2002/03

Test Images

MATLAB Tutorials

Android Tutorials



Lecture Examples
Chapter 11: Edge Detection

  1. Prewitt, Sobel, and Roberts Operators
  2. Laplacian Operator
  3. Laplacian-of-Gaussian Operator
  4. Zero Crossings of Laplacian
  5. Zero Crossings of Laplacian-of-Gaussian
  6. Canny Edge Detector
  7. Linear Hough Transform for Points
  8. Linear Hough Transform for Document
  9. Circular Hough Transform

Please contact us if you have any questions about this page.
Last modified: 2/13/2014