ARL JabRef Bibtex

From Shandor's email on the matter:

Hey ARL,

It has come to my attention that many here are unfamiliar with the ARL JabRef. It is a magical tool. JabRef is profound wizardry that enables mere graduate students to manage scores of references with ease, or which the Aerospace Robotics Lab is a humble user.

Yea, follow the directions below, and thou shalt exalt it's powers. This is likely to go on the ARL blog as well.


Accessing the Great JabRef

Last modified Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 at 12:45

Adding a paper to the website

Just wanted to put out some instructions for the adding of papers to the website, so that the new folks can do it, and the older folks don't forget. :)
We are each responsible for uploading our own publications, as it is much easier for the person with the original pdf, and sometimes the conferences take forever (if ever at all) to post the documents online.

Last modified Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 at 12:43

Group Talk Order

Sarah Houts

Jose Padial

Marcus Hammond

Ozhan Turgut

Steven Krukowski

David Stonestrom

Aditya Mahajan

Ashley Clark

Last modified Thu, 30 Oct, 2014 at 17:59

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