Archive for the ‘Welcome!’ Category


Saturday, April 19th, 2014

Welcome to the Stanford Interventions Lab!
This site is hosted by Omid Fotuhi

Our lab is focused on creating theory-driven interventions that are tailored to the needs of individuals in various contexts.

Our team consists of researchers devoted to the same cause if identifying psychological factors that impeded performance, and designing interventions to help circumvent those barriers in order to foster greater success and well-being.

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This site is currently under construction. However, we will soon include links and resources to several of the labs at Stanford that have devoted their work to developing social psychological interventions to address real wold issues. These domains include, but are not limited to, academic performance, athletic performance, weight loss, smoking cessation, economic decision-making, and general well-being.

See links on the right to find out more about each of these projects.