Oliver Fringer







krell fellowships

oliver fringer

Krell Institute Fellowships (CSGF, LRGF, SSGF)

I am a former CSGF alumnus and the Stanford coordinator for DOE graduate fellowships administered by the Krell Institute. Lists of current fellows at Stanford can be found here: CSGF, SSGF, LRGF. I assist fellows at Stanford with things like verification of enrollment and reimbursements related to the academic allowances provided by their fellowships:
  • Computational Science Graduate Fellowship (CSGF): Fellows receive a $5,000 academic allowance in the first fellowship year and a $1,000 allowance each renewed year to be used for the purchase of a computer workstation or for research/professional development expenses.
  • NNSA Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (SSGF): An annual $1,000 academic allowance for research or professional development expenses.
  • NNSA Laboratory Residency Graduate Fellowship (LRGF): An annual $2,000 academic allowance for research or professional development expenses.

Are you a current Stanford CSGF/LRGF/SSGF fellow?

If you are a current fellow at Stanford and would like help with a reimbursement, please send me an email (fringer at stanford dot ee dee you) to ensure that the reimbursement is allowable before purchase. Once it is approved, you may go ahead and make the purchase and send me the receipts and cc May Thin (mthin@), Assistant Director of Funds Management, who will process the reimbursement. Please subscribe to the Stanford Krell Fellows mailing list here.  

Last updated: 05/28/23