Basic Information
Diagnosis & Treatment
Syndromes & Symptoms
Current Findings
Drug Profile
Pathogen Cards


Picture by Jeremy Schneider - based off of Dr. Siegel's T-Shirt.


• Adenoviruses are very contagious and local outbreaks are common (for example, at summer camps, playgrounds, schools, or public swimming pools)
• Respiratory Transmission: usually through a cough or a sneeze, adenoviruses can infect the mucosa of the eyes or respiratory tract through aerosolized viral particles or through mucous droplets.
• Direct Contact: adenoviruses are very stable in the environment and can survive chemical and pH disturbances. Therefore the virus can be transmitted by touching a contaminated surface and then touching the mucosa or the eyes or mouth (note: this is also semi-respiratory transmission since it infects the respiratory mucosa).
• Fecal-Oral: usually through contaminated food or water, or through poor personal hygiene (i.e. do not wash hands).
• Water-borne: adenoviruses are often transmitted in swimming pools, especially when insufficient chlorine has been used.