PyMOL Molecular Visualization System Campus-Wide Site License Now Available


I am very pleased to announce that we have purchased a campus-wide site license to PyMol. This enables Stanford students, faculty, and staff to access the latest version of the software plus the documentation.

Download PyMOL

Please note that proxy authentication to download from off-campus is still being set up.

About PyMOL

PyMOL is an open-source molecular visualization program functioning on a variety of computer platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux/UNIX, etc). The software is open-source and is released under the BSDL OSI-approved license. PyMOL is capable of generating high resolution images for publishing or printing, making movies and much more. PyMOL is robust, fast and extensible. The PyMOLWiki comes with many scripts to extend the features in PyMOL.

PyMOL currently holds a large percentage of the high-quality images published in scholarly journals like Science and Nature. PyMOL images frequently grace the covers of high impact journals. Check out a sample of journal covers with PyMOL-generated images.

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