CAS Source Index (CASSI) — Networked CD-ROM via Web

Identify journal titles and abbreviations quickly with CASSI.

Login on the CD Server with your SUNet ID to search a networked CD version of CASSI.

CASSI includes:

  • Bibliographic information for approximately 80,000 publications indexed by CA since 1907
  • Serial and non-serial scientific and technical publications
  • Complete publication titles for abbreviations used in CA
  • More than 155,000 entries, mainly for periodicals
  • A choice of many search terms, i.e., author name, keyword, CODEN, etc., for easy access to the bibliographic information

Find the complete title with CASSI

When you have: Go to CASSI for:
an abbreviation of a publication title
Sravn Neirofiziol Neirokhim
the complete title
Sravnitel’naya Neirofiziologiya i Neirokhimiya
a Russian-language title
Sravnitel’naya Neirofiziologiya i Neirokhimiya
the English translation of the title
Comparative Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry
only a keyword
the complete title from the CASSI KWOC (keyword-out-of-context) index
Comparative Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry
a publication whose title has changed
Polish Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy
the complete new title
Materials Medica Polona (Eng. Ed.)
no idea which library houses the publication(s) you need a list of library sources for periodicals cited in CA and CAS databases

A note on CASSI holdings: Prior to 1998 — includes information from more than 350 major resource libraries around the world (including Stanford which is listed as CSt). After January 1, 1998 — holdings have not been updated. CAS has no plans to update this information. Because of this uniqueness of this holdings information, CAS has retained holdings data previously submitted to help you locate the source of the documents you need as efficiently as possible.

See sample record

Categorized as: Web tools

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