Science Art
Cave Walls


Can a small book with 60 examples, make a convincing case for attaching a name to an age-old genre?

Readers of the book enter a two-floor virtual gallery, connected by a Mezzanine.

The Lower Gallery provides a historical perspective.
Images were selected because they reflect the art of one of the five time frames we concentrate on, and because they reflect the value of birds at the time they were produced. Thus, image selection was not based primarily on aesthetic qualities, although in quite a few cases those qualities leap off the page. Rather we looked for fascinating narratives, evidence of humanity's age-old relationship with birds, or insights provided by a science lens. 


The Mezzanine provides some information on aesthetics, bird art, and portraying nature.

© 2008 Darryl Wheye and Donald Kennedy


The Upper Gallery shows how science and art
blend. Some images were selected to make
points about content, and the influence of an artist's
choice of medium. Others were selected to make
points about captions, venues, and our perceptions
of nature.


There are two appendices. The Timeline links
scientific innovations with the production of bird
images. The
Science Art Checklist provides
information for artists, exhibitors, and those
interested in gaining access to more examples of
Science Art. It attempts to create a context for
evaluating the depth and breadth of Science Art and
has a few suggestions for artists, patrons,
exhibitors, those seeking more examples.