Several official Rubik's Cube competitions have been held at Stanford, and more will be held in the future. This page will provide a list of them.
Check the list of competitions for up-to-date information on competitions world-wide.

About Attending Competitions

All Stanford community members are encouraged to attend competitions on campus. Anyone may come and watch (admission is free).
If you can solve a cube, you should also consider competing. You definitely don't have to be very fast, and at regular competitions the entry fee may be waived/reduced if you present a Stanford ID.

Upcoming Competitions

Potential: Stanford Fall 2009, (November?)

Information: We are hoping to establish two annual traditions at Stanford, like at Berkeley and Caltech. This would be the first Fall competition at Stanford, but it has not even entered the planning stage yet.

US Nationals 2009, August 14-16

Website: Competition Website
Venue: Dinkelspiel Auditorium

Past Competitions

EPGY Stanford Winter 2009, February 14

Website: Competition Website
Venue: Annenberg Auditorium

EPGY California Open 2008, February 16

Website: Competition Website
Venue: Kresge Auditorium