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Guidelines for Developing a Cooperative R & D Agreement

As a general practice, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements must generally follow the model developed by the Department of Commerce and modified by the VA. Any significant changes should be explained. The transfer Officer can provide a complete copy of this model. The Transfer Officer will also help you develop an agreement that is appropriate for your situation. For planning purposes, you will want to know about the major elements to include:

Recitals. General statements about the reasons or benefits to both parties which underly the agreement


Article 1. Definitions of terms

Article 2. Sponsored research:
Description of work, review of work, assignment of responsibility, and change procedures

Article 3. Reports:
Quarterly and Final

Article 4. Financial obligation:
Advance payment, deposit account, insufficient and excess funds, accounting records

Article 5. Title to Property:
Capital equipment

Article 6. Patent rights:
Reporting, inventions of company employees, inventions of laboratory employees, filing, patent expenses, exclusive license, exclusive license terms, extension of exclusive license

 Transfer Officer
 Center Director

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