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SMR Blog: Stanford Pushes #6 St. Mary's all the way

Monday, January 18, 2010

Stanford Pushes #6 St. Mary's all the way

In their first league match of the season, Stanford hosted St. Mary's at Steuber Stadium. St. Mary's came into the game as strong favorites after a 6-0 pre-season run, but were pushed to the 80th minute by a determined Stanford team.

Stanford started the game well and in the fifth minute, scrumhalf Dan Ibarra kicked Stanford into the lead. After some missed opportunities for Stanford, the Gaels got their first points in typical style: the St. Mary's 10 broke the Stanford line and offloaded to a support runner for a try. Ibarra made the score 7-6 after another penalty kick in the sixteenth minute.

However, the Gaels responded strongly and scored two quick tries, despite a remarkable try-saving tackle by Marcus Henderson on a separate breakaway. With the score at 6-19, Stanford needed something special to get themselves back in the game. In the 32nd minute, full-back Alex Meinke collected a kick, broke a few tackles and offloaded the ball to prop Jason Prestinario. With the Gaels tackling around the waist, Jason offloaded to hooker Doug Cantwell who shipped the ball overhead to loose-head prop Andrew Thompson. Thompson then dove full stretch into the try-zone to complete a remarkable play. Only two minutes later, with the momentum clearly with Stanford, outside center Marcus Henderson took the outside shoulder of his opposite man and sprinted 50 meters for another try. This spirited response meant that after another kick from Ibarra, the game was tied at 19 -19 going into half time.

After a composed team talk, Stanford came out fighting again in the second half and quickly took their first lead of the game as flyhalf Nick Mendoza scored a try under the posts. Stanford could have increased their lead, but the referee did not award a try after number 8 Rob Polk drove right thought the heart of the St. Mary's defense to touch down in a scrum of players under the posts. St. Mary's responded by scoring three unanswered tries, one of which came after a chip by the scrumhalf was recovered for a try by the Gael fullback. With the score at 38-26 in the 75th minute the game was practically out of reach for Stanford. However, in the last play of the game Stanford wing Chase Richards scored in the corner. This was the fourth try for Stanford, and with the game ending 38-31, Stanford picked up 2 bonus points in the NorCal league. It was well deserved for Stanford in what was a thrilling game of college rugby.

Next week the Cardinal will aim to build on the St. Mary's game when they take on Chico State in their first away game of the season.


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