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7/24/2007  CLASSES
K1 site 219178 2219434 NC Lower edge of LSAG site.  Forest.
K2 site 219227 2219397 NC Gap within LSAG, on right looking mauka
K3 just above site 219226 2219409 NC closed forest just mauka of lsag.  Not that close to K2…
K4 site 219219 2219396 NC within lsag, on left looking up.  
K5 gap with high N 219219 2219458 NC gap above lsag, with ginger, diplazium, olapa, hapuu.  Dead ohia.
K6 short forest 219249 2219576 NC Short canopy ohia with ginger, olapa.  Looks edaphic; on slope.
K7 steep slope 219405 2219586 ED steep slope of hill, short ohia with tibouchina, many ferns.
K8 forest on hilltop 219450 2219629 NC on hilltop, sphagnum, short forest, fairly open.
K9 dense forest on hill, high N patch 219490 2219657 NC slightly taller than K8, and much denser canopy.  Shady, little sphagnum.  Kolea and olapa, many epiphytes.
K10 short streamside 219589 2219675 ED Sedge bog streamside, over the block fault.  Holcus and other grasses, carex, rush, sphagnum.
K11 short lower N 219613 2219678 ED Uluhe patch in streamside, dense sphagnum underneath.
K12 moderate forest well above lsag 219115 2219633 NC Forest on slope, after finding no depression near ridge.  Ohia canopy, hapuu no sphagnum.
K13 tall high N from image 219019 2219412 NC Tall ohia forest in cove, with shorter on surrounding slopes.  Hapuu, olapa, akala
K14 plantation 219028 2219269 FP Cryptomeria plantation.  Dense, little understory.
K15 pasture 219070 2219058 HD Pasture just below entrance to lsag trail
K16 slope 219653 2219093 ED Parker Ranch slope of Stephen's study.  Steep, ohia, uluhe, olapa, others.
K17 shield 219634 2219111 NC Adjacent shield of Stephen's.  Ohia, hapuu, olapa, reasonably tall.
K18 Eucalyptus 219442 2219320 FP Eucalyptus plantation east of lsag.
K19 fairly tall ohia 219300 2219379 NC tall ohia between eucalyptus and lsag.  Nice forest… hapuu.
K20 short ridge 219098 2219400 NC short ohia on long ridge with notably low canopy, low N.  Uluhe around, wet.
K21 short canopy 218963 2219410 NC Fairly short ohia on ridge beyond K13.
K22 Casuarina 219136 2219175 FP Casuarina near edge; some ginger, ohia.
K23 Short ohia 219007 2219918 NC Short ohia with sedge underneath; wet… above and W of Lsag, didn't find behind Laelae sphagnum site.  Sphagnum around.  Many epiphytes.
K24 taller ohia 219066 2219942 NC taller nice ohia over sphagnum.  Olapa hapuu alani ginger.
K25 short low N 219067 2219872 NC short sedge surrounded by uluhe, tibouchina arriving. Some ohia epiphytes.
K26 short low N 219033 2219850 NC the big low patch from images.  All uluhe, dense and short, a little wawa iole
K27 fairly short high water 218905 2219743 NC thicket of ohia and uluhe, along much of this walk… olapa and alani around.
K28 short high N 218816 2219635 NC very healthy uluhe, in dieback ohia.  On E edge of patch from images, near stream.  
K29 taller ohia 218835 2219664 NC taller ohia patch near K28.  alani, hapuu, olapa grass ohelo.  Uluhe near; less dense forest near.
K30 taller ohia 218840 2219396 NC Ohia forest just above eucalypt, to E of E stream draining between plantations.  Fairly tall, ginger, olapa, guava coming on, hapuu uluhe
K31 Eucalyptus 218883 2219320 FP very tall eucalyptus; dense with little understory except pigs.  Some ginger hapuu alani guava.
2/5/08.   Wet.  Climbed up through the Puu behind Laelae.  Lots of uluhe - lots of pigs off to east as I climbed, sqealing up a storm.  See notes on K42.  
K32 pasture 218934 2218620 HD pasture alongside Laelae
K33 pasture 218568 2218980 HD pasture above Laelae
K34 Casuarina 218551 2219168 FP Casuarina inside FR, guava, ginger. Diplazium in understory
K35 Cryptomeria 218499 2219296 FP Cryptomeria stand, tall and dense.  Through some eucalyptus between 34 and 35.  Very sparse ginger/guava understory.  NO PHOTOS
K36 Uluhe 218542 2219397 NC uluhe patch; shows up high N on image.  Dieback with uluhe under it mauka, but right here little standing dead.
K37 tall forest 218361 2219515 NC Tall forest, very piggy, hapuu guava olapa kolea.  Uluhe to the west, but tall here… glabs and pubs
K38 short forest 218429 2219635 NC Short open ohia; been going in and out of Sphag from 37, but here understory guava Kawau myrsine lau lii tib herb olapa ohelo.  Pigged
K39 uluhe 218387 2219774 NC Uluhe all by itself.  Through uluhe hell from 38 to here; some tall dead patches of ohia, some shorter live en route.  Here no standing or down dead.
K40 uluhe and ohia 219400 2219814 NC Uluhe with small ohia emerging, not looking great.  Sampled here because images showed short and much lower N than 39.  Suspect seeing uluhe plus ohia plus some dead uluhe on the trees (why dead there?) in 40.  olapa kolea lau lii ohelo here; also much older dieback (big short weathered poles)
K41 highest 218397 2219838 NC Short (5 m) ohia with uluhe most of the way up in columns.  Uluhe hell to here, with more trees and climbing uluhe as I went up from 40.  foliage looks better than at 40, but still kind of sparse
K42 ohia and uluhe 218467 2219521 NC fairly tall thickly foliose ohia with uluhe understory, climbing trees and elsewhere.  Seems like one could make a sequence out of the ohia/uluhe stands; this might come after 41, and that after 40.  This might eventually become 37.  
K43 fairly tall high N 219523 2219877 W fairly tall dense kind of like K9.  some Olapa in canopy; Kahili peperomia Kolea Hapuu uluhe sticherus alani ohelo guava sparse Sphag, right in site (dense elsewhere)
K44 short 219403 2220017 W Short sparse but foliose ohia, sphagnum ieie ginger kolea smilax pukiawe hapuu alani olapa.  Through uluhe in ohia short between 43 and 44, not much uluhe on site.
K45 tall! High N 219343 2220091 W Beautiful tall dense ohia, sparse sphagnum, olapa, kolea, hapuu alani unknown christina will say stenogyne tetraplasandra broussassia
K46 short open 219504 2220073 W Scattered short ohia, with white ginger underneath, sphagnum, uluhe aroundtib herb pukiawe kolea alani
K47 short 219668 2220118 W short ohia with uluhe intertwined in canopy.  Kolea lau nui, olapa, ohelo, wawaiole.
K48 short 219776 2220175 W shorter (1.5 m) ohia with Sphag under, ginger olapa ginger olapa alani ohelo.  Recent dieback just before, but big open here.
K49 tall line ohia 219861 2220197 W Line of tall pubs, in very short area.  Kahili sphagnum olapa
K50 short high N 219917 2220174 W - I very wet, Kahili canopy! Some stag head live ohia sphagnum.  Tib herb.  Ginger the signal?
K51 taller high N from image 219946 2220232 W 7-8 m ohia with quite a bit of olapa in canopy.  Is that what makes high N?  Peperomia large hapuu maile giner alani koleas
K52 medium canopy high N 220099 2220273 W 5 m ohia, olapa, both kolea all in canopy.  Sphagnum ginger alani broussasia smilax labordea
K53 pasture 220152 2218571 HD pasture coming out of forest resevoir road.
Worth exploring why high N in some of the wet.  Cheiro?  Mostly that I think, not sure.  Thick stands come out high.























K12 =>


















































































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