Slavic 272 (Friday, 2:15-4:05, Room: 40-42A)


Assignment 1-2 (Week 2)



Assignment I

1. Context (optional but necessary in the long run). The Crisis of Symbolism and Acmeism:


Вяч. Иванов, "Заветы символизма" (1910)


Александр Блок, "О современном состоянии русского символизма" (1910)


Михаил Кузмин, "О прекрасной ясности" (1910)


Николай Гумилев, "Наследие символизма и акмеизм" (1913)


Сергей Городецкий, "Некоторые течения в современной русской поэзии" (1913)


Осип Мандельштам, "Утро акмеизма" (1913. 1919)

Vyacheslav Ivanov's Заветы defines the terms of the polemic. Kuzmin's essay offers a platform for the future Acmeists. Gumilev and Gorodecky offer "Oedipal" manifestoes. Mandelstam tries to map out the poetic philosophy of the young generation as well as point to the difference between the new and the old.

2. A quick read of the entire Камень (1913), compared to Камень (1916).

NB: Preferably, you should use the Literaturnye pamiatniki edition of Kamen’. It contains a wealth of material, including the poetry, early prose, and great annotations. A copy is on reserve in the department.

How do the beginning, the middle, and the end of the collection define the cycle, or a book of poems, specifically the first two collections Камень.

Focus on the following poems:

Звук осторожный и глухой
Дано мне тело--что мне делать с ним

Поедем в Царское село!
Айя София
Notre Dame
Петербургские строфы
Я не увижу знаменитой "Федры"


3. Essays:

"Франсуа Вийон,"
 "О собеседнике," "Утро акмеизма"


Mutual illumination of Mandelstam's critical prose and poetry
a. the implied  reader of Камень  and "О собеседнике";
b. notion of an "event" in "Villon" and "Лютеранин" or "Казино";
c. Mandelstam's polemics with the Futurists, his "Logos" ("Утро акмеизма") and the character of his poetic practice in "Петербургские строфы"

4. Scholarship (optional, but necessary in the long run):

*Timenchik, R. "Zametki ob akmeizme" (Russian Literature 7/8, 1974);
*Ronen, O., "Povtor, podtekst i smysl v poetike Osipa Mandel'shtama," Slavic Poetics: Essays in Honor of Kiril Taranovsky, ed. R. Jakobson et al. (The Hague, 1973).
Freidin, G., A Coat of Many Colors (Berkeley, 1987),  Chapters 1 and 2.
*Levin, Yu., D. Segal et al.., "Russkaia semanticheskaia poetika kak potentsial'naia kul'turnaia paradigma" (Russian Literature 7/8, 1974);
*Neil Fraistat, The Poem and the Book: Interpreting Collections of Romantic Poetry (Chapel Hill, 1985). Chapters 1 and 2.

(*) indicates: available on the reserve shelf at the Slavic dept. library


Much of Mandelstam's poetry  is available on line at: This is an electronic version of Mandel'shtam, O. E., Avtoportret. Stikhotvoreniia 1908-1937 (M. Tsentr-100, 1996)
There is a lot more by others on the same site: and
See also Biblioteka Maksima Moshkova:



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