EE204: Business Management for
Electrical Engineers and Computer Scientists

Customer Centricity


  1. Customer Centricity (HBS course materials)
  2. Groupon For Local Businesses (HBS case material)
  3. Read these supplementary articles
    1. What is Groupon and how does it work?
    2. Yahoo Finance Groupon
    3. Groupon cuts 1000 jobs

Case Summary

Groupon experienced a period of incredible customer and revenue growth. Reviewing Groupon's rise, the case explores whether Groupon promotions are really good for local merchants and whether it can continue to thrive amidst increasingly intense competition and declining financial performance.

Discussion Questions

    Questions for Customer Centricity Article 

    1. According to research, what are some of the key customer-centric characteristics of successful companies?
    2. Silicon Valley startups are known for being “Product-Centric” How does this relate to “Customer-Centric”?
    3. What are some of the ways that technology has shifted power from companies to consumers?
    4. What are some of the factors that could prevent an older, established company from effecting an enterprise-wide, customer-centric culture?

    Questions for Groupon Case 

    1. What is Groupon's financial condition and what are it's business prospects?
    2. Who are Groupon’s customers and what do they want?
    3. What business is Groupon in? (see p 3 and p5 Ted Levitt Quotes Customer Centricity (HBS course materials))
    4. What is Groupon's business model? (How do they make money?)
    5. Assign a NPS to the four business discussed in the case. What do you conclude?
    6. What actions would you take as CEO?