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Respiratory Disease

1. Name a common disease that causes guttural pouch empyema


2. An apparently healthy horse has recurrent episodes of epistaxis. What could the problem(s) be?


3. Why is strangles called "strangles"?


4. How is strangles spread?


5. What are complications of strangles?


6. What is a symptom of infection with equine influenza?



7. How is equine flu treated?


8. Several mares in a large barn abort their foals and two weeks earlier; many horses in the barn had a fever and were coughing. What probably caused this illness?


9. Several weeks later, a horse from the same barn develops tail paralysis and weakness in the hindquarters. What is the connection (if any) with the coughing and abortions observed earlier?


10. Do horses get a common cold virus? If so what virus causes it and is there a vaccine for it?


11. What is the medical name for the condition known as "roaring"?


  1. What is the common name for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
  2. A horse takes a 14-hour trailer ride. When he arrives home he has a fever. What could be wrong?