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Stanford Splash

Splash is when middle school and high school kids invade the Stanford Campus for a two-day learning experience. I have had an amazing time all the times I have taught Splash classes!

Magic, Mystery and Math

Fall 2015-16, Spring 2016-17

I co-taught this fun math/physics class with Ashwin Paranjape where we presented curious phenomena we observe everyday as well as in several ‘magical’ experiments that we perform. We had live demos (based on Professor Tadashi Tokieda’s class on Toys using Applied Math) and targeted this for high-school students, who’d be young enough to get piqued by the mysteries yet old enough to understand the math behind them.

The P in Poker

Spring 2014-15

This was a class that I co-taught (again with Ashwin Paranjape) in the Spring. With Poker, there’s a high chance that you keep losing but throw in Probability, and you can always know when the odds are good and the goods are odd. We used Poker to reinforce the concepts of Probability to high-school kids and used Probability to help them play a good hand of Poker.

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