Umberto Aiello


Umberto Aiello

Postdoctoral Scholar

Umberto obtained his PhD at Université Paris Cité (France) working under the supervision of Domenico Libri at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). His PhD work focused on the mechanisms that prevent transcription from interfering with other molecular processes that simultaneously happen on the DNA, with a particular emphasis on transcription-replication conflicts. He also developed a new approach to map R-loops genome-wide with high resolution and strand-specificity.

At Stanford, Umberto aims to study protein-RNA interaction at a global scale to determine the basic principles that dictate ribonucleoprotein formation and function. To do so, he will put into use synthetic and computation biology approaches and attempt to set up a novel methodology, the goal of which is to provide a protein-RNA interactome.

E-mail: uaiello [at]