Evelyn Lattmann

evelynEvelyn Lattmann

Visiting Scholar

Evelyn obtained her M.Sc. degree from the Swiss Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ), Switzerland and her Ph.D. from the sister institute in Lausanne (EFPL), where she focused on cell cycle regulation in the fission yeast Schizososaccharomyces Pombe. As a “University Research Priority Project” Fellow in Translational Cancer Research at the University of Zurich she further dissected a role of the cell cycle in basement membrane breaching during developmental (Caenorhabditis elegans) and cancer cell invasion. During her visit at Stanford Evelyn’s goal is to develop a technology to isolate and transcriptionally profile single cells from cancer patients in order to find biomarkers for prognosis and potential targets for therapeutics.

E-mail: evelyn.lattmann [at] imls.uzh.ch