Social Stigma: HIV/AIDS in South Korea

Jessica Lee In 2012, there were 35.3 million people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO)1 – and that number is increasing. While a part of the world is fighting to reduce the incidence rate, another is leaving these people to succumb to the disease under marginalization. It is difficult to imagine that a developed country is restricting care … Continue reading Social Stigma: HIV/AIDS in South Korea

Reflections on Informal and Formal Sector Providers in Rural Uttar Pradesh, India

Nicole Dalal, Alison Baskin, Sara Silberstein, & Jake Svenson “Ah! I have to go. There’s a C-section upstairs.” And just like that, we hurriedly grabbed our backpacks and notebooks and rushed from the cramped office where we were interviewing Dr A.* We ran to keep up with him as he led us through crowds of people in the clinic hallway waiting to be seen. We … Continue reading Reflections on Informal and Formal Sector Providers in Rural Uttar Pradesh, India