Irregular publication patterns

Serial Control: Irregular Publication Patterns (example: LAW-6185, LAW-6557)

Create Control: Use for publications with cover dates or receipt patterns that do not fit established patterns, for example, legislative services, interim annotation services, etc.

Example: Publication has cover dates of March and October. Since they are not 6 months apart, select a publication pattern of semiannual; then set up with a yearly frequency.

Patterns Folder
Select publication cycle gadget
Select change
Change month to YEAR
Change 6 to 1
Select March and October (now bold text)
Select DAY OF month (1 is already highlighted)
Select OK
Changes are reflected in publication cycle

Example: Publication is issued 3 times a month for August, September, October. Since they have an unusual publication cycle, select publication pattern 3 times a month; then set up with a yearly frequency.

Patterns Folder
Select publication cycle gadget
Select change
Change month to YEAR
Keep 1
Select August, September, October (now bold text)
Select DAY OF month (1, 15, 28 highlighted)
Select OK
Changes are reflected in publication cycle