Closing serials controls and moving orders

Closing Serial Controls and Moving Orders

updated June 10, 2002


When a serial title changes or a new edition is produced, generally a new record is created in the catalog. Many times the earlier version will have an order and a serial control attached. When a new version arrives at the library, the serial control attached to the earlier title will need to be closed, the current order will need to be transferred and a new serial control created. If the title has ceased publication or is cancelled, the same directions can be used to close the control.


  1. Closing the Serial Control
    1. First click on the Item Search and Display button and type the title in the search field. Then find the record for earlier title and click on the Modify a Serial Control button.
    2. On the Basic tab change the status to TIL CHNG, REPLBYNED, CANCELLED, CEASED, etc.
    3. On the Patterns tab unclick the “allow automatic prediction of issues.”
    4. On the OPAC Display tab make sure the “automatically update MARC holdings” box is not clicked and that the “display the most recently arrived issues as a note” is set to zero.
    5. Click on the MARC Hldgs tab and remove the linking number (e.g. | = 1234), remove any pattern lines (853) and recently arrived lines (863).
    6. On the Subscription tab, click on the Order History button, then on Remove Order History button and then on the OK button.
    7. Click on the Expected tab and remove any predictions that should not be claimed. Once in a while there will be outstanding issues for a title that is to be closed and these predictions should not be removed.
    8. Click on the Routing tab and remove any routings.
    9. Click on the Save Changes button and the serial control has been closed.


  2. Transferring Orders
    1. In Item Search and Display, showing the detailed version of the record, click on the Orders tab.
    2. Click the line one order and then the Edit Order button and scroll down to Line Item Info.
    3. Either type or copy and paste the item id of the new title into the corresponding field of the order line. (Using the new title’s call number works also but is less predictable.)
    4. Click OK and scroll down to see if the new title displays in Line Item Info. If the new title displays, you have successfully transferred the order.

    It is proper record-keeping to make sure that any line two payments for materials belonging to the new title are also transferred. Sometimes payments are made on the old title because there is no record for the new title in the database. 

  3. Creating a New Serial ControlAssuming the new title has been cataloged and has a call number and once the old serial control is closed and the orders transferred, the new serial control can be created following the Serials Control Manual and the first issues received.