Closing serial records

Closing Serial Records             Quick update, January 10, 2012

The purpose of this procedure is to update our online catalog so that it reflects the actual publication status of the titles in our collection. Frequently the online record requires editing beyond adding closing information. The object of this editing is to complete all work on the title, upgrading to current cataloging rules, barcoding, and binding the remaining loose issues if decision is made to bind.

Call up the record. Check it briefly to determine what you will need to pull from the shelves and if the record reflects more than one title (i.e. has 247’s). Also look to see if the volumes are online.

  1. Go to the shelves and pull all unbound material, if any, together with the box, or the latest volume so that you can add full closing information.
  2. Search OCLC and overlay the record if you can find a better one, preferably with the closing information already added. However, if we have the last volume, and the record online does not, we use the fuller information provided by the last volume. Generally try to make the cataloging conform to current standards (i.e. |v for form subheadings in the 6xx’s, no 247’s, etc.). If the item has been continued by another title, be sure that the 78x links are on both records.
  1. In some cases we cannot be sure that the title is truly closed. We have not received anything for several years, our claims have gone unanswered, but no record in OCLC supports closing the title. For these records, close the Marc Holdings only and bind any unbound issues. If additional issues are received in the future, we will open the Marc Holdings. If we receive additional information that the title is closed, we will close the record then.A similar situation occurs when the Library decides not to continue a subscription. For these titles, change only the Marc Holdings by adding to the 852: |zSubscription cancelled [date]. Also close the holdings in the 866, and close the serials control.

Close Marc Holdings field. Check it to see if 852 has been completed, adding |t1 if it is not present, and |xli:xxx (your initials). If there is already a |xli:xxx on the record, you need only overtype your initials over the initials already there.

  1. Bound with volumes: be especially careful if you have several titles and more than one title is in a particular volume. Add notes to the respective Marc Holdings records to indicate that a volume from one title is bound with another.Example: 1977 is bound with 1975 (of a biennial report):

For the 1975 report:

852   |cBASEMENT|t1|xli:kmw|zBound with the 1977 report

866   |81|a1975
For the 1977 report:

852   |cBASEMENT|t1|xli:kmw|zBound with the 1975 report

866   |81|a1977


  1. Take statistics for “closed” or “cancelled” titles as appropriate.
  2. When the online work is completed, take unbound copies of the item and band them with a note explaining that the title is now dead, or with the continuing title information. Put them on the cart for serials binding if we have decided to retain and bind.
  3. Remove line 1 from the acquisitions record
  4. Close the serials control record, removing any 863 (currently received) fields from the holdings.