Comments in order extended information

Comments in Order Extended Information

Created 10/21/03


All notes regarding order history should go in the non-printable comment field.


1. All comments should begin with the date and a colon (:). Exclude placeholder zeros for days and months.




2. A space should come in between the date-colon and the text of the comment.


3. The first letter of the comment should be capitalized. (If the comment begins with a number, ignore this rule.)


10/3/03: Cancelled with…

10/3/03: 2003 suppl. returned…


4. Do not use the name of the vendor in the comment unless a vendor being referred to is different than the vendor the order is with.

Example (order with Hein):

10/3/03: Returned dup. 2nd ed. with label…

10/3/03: Returned dup. 2nd ed. to Aspen with label…


5. All notes should end with a semicolon (;), <space>, and a “law posted by” note (lp:).


10/3/03: Returned duplicate to Harry’s attention; lp:jbh


6. Include the name of a customer service represetative when possible.


10/3/03: Cancelled with v.16 no.1 per Danielle; lp:jbh

10/3/03: Returned to attn: Terri; lp:jbh


7. Do not use ALL CAPS in Extended Order Information.