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Thomas Kealey, Thomas McNeely, Melena Watrous
Jones Lecturers in Fiction

We will discuss how three young fiction writers, Jones Lecturers in creative writing, engage in their craft.

Tom Kealey is the author of the The Creative Writing MFA Handbook. His work has appeared in Best American NonRequired, Glimmer Train, and the San Francisco Chronicle. His novel in progress is entitled The Winged Girl.

Thomas McNeely has published stories in The Atlantic Monthly, Ploughshares, and other journals.  His story, "Sheep," has been included in Best of the South: The Best of the Second Decade.  He is currently working on a novel.

Malena Watrous received an MFA in fiction from the University of Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her stories have been published in Triquarterly, The Massachussetts Review, and the Alaska Quarterly Review, and has received prizes from Glimmer Train and the Faulkner Society.  She is currently working on a novel, and reviews fiction for the San Francisco Chronicle.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006, 7 p.m.
Stanford Writing Center, Basement of Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460)

Check back soon to see the transcript of this How I Write Conversation.