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We use 'tracker', a Stanford-specific software, to track how many users use which software:

using tracker

Example, when I installed Stat/Transfer 11:

  502  cd /mnt/glusterfs/software/non-free/stattransfer11_64/
  508  mv st .t%st
  509  mv stattransfer .t%stattransfer
  510  cp /mnt/glusterfs/chekh/src/tracker-1.1/tracker .
  511  ln -s tracker st
  512  ln -s tracker stattransfer

Now, do a license3:/root# tail -f /var/log/tracker/current and you'll see entries show up when you run st or stattransfer:

@400000004f98536f170f2ce4 chekh@ stattransfer

Jane at the Software Licensing office uses this log to track usage.

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