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Gauss View (GV5) is /usr/sweet/bin/gview
Gauss View (GV5) is /usr/sweet/bin/gview
==SAS error message==
===SAS error message===

Revision as of 13:45, 31 January 2012


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I change my shell on a cardinal or a corn

Currently, everyone gets tcsh as default shell. If you want to use e.g. bash instead, put a code snippet like this into your .cshrc:

if ($?prompt && -x /bin/bash) then
setenv SHELL bash
exec bash

tset: standard error: Invalid argument

In your job script, you probably don't explicitly specify which shell to use. Probably your default shell is csh and your csh startup scripts are getting loaded and something there is generating that error because the job is not run under an interactive session. So the solution is to either specify a shell on the first line of your job script in the usual Unix way e.g.


or else use the -S flag to qsub, e.g.

# get rid of spurious messages about tty/terminal types
#$ -S /bin/sh

tty errors

You may see things like

tset: standard error: Invalid argument

Undefined tty
stdin: is not a tty


Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor).
Thus no job control in this shell.

See the question above, and specify a shell. See the 'shell_start_mode' section of 'man sge_conf' for more info.

error: can't open output file "/afs/ir/users/c/h/chekh/YYY.oXXXX"

Check that you have your Kerberos credentials and AFS tokens per AFS

glusterfs: Transport endpoint not connected

"/mnt/glusterfs: Transport endpoint is not connected." This indicates a network or connection problem for the shared filesystem, please report this to the barley-alpha list or via HelpSU.

where is GView version 5?

Gauss View (GV5) is /usr/sweet/bin/gview

SAS error message

  When I attempt to run the command "sas", I receive the following error
  ERROR: User does not have appropriate authorization level for library
  NOTE: Unable to initialize the options subsystem.
  ERROR: Unable to initialize the SAS kernel.

Try to re-auth (kinit ; aklog), run updaterc, and source ~/.cshrc before running sas. Also check that you're not over quota with the 'fs quota' command.

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