Drupal Camp 2012

NOTE: This website is an archive of the 2012 Stanford Drupal Camp. The current year's Stanford Drupal Camp website is at http://drupalcamp.stanford.edu

Basics of JavaScript and advanced jQuery

Design and Theming

In this session I will explain basics of JavaScript so that you can better understand how jQuery works.

If you have ever felt difficulty in working with jQuery and wondered why it was behaving like that. Then this session is for you.
while implementing an easy rotating banner If you ever got stuck. Then this session is for you.
If you ever wonder why you have to write .css({backgroundColor: '#ffe'}) why not just .css(background-Color: '#ffe')

I will explain grammar of JavaScript with live examples. (Not just slides)
Download example code

Experience level: 
Time slot: 
5 May 13:45 - 14:45
Room 185