function [C,sda,CC,e] = wcov(R,h); % [C,sda,CC,e] = wcov(R,h); % produces a weighted covariance matrix using a specified half-life % also produces standard deviations, correlations and expected values % variables: % R: matrix of s observations (states) on n variables % h: half-life (0 for equal weights) % C: n*n covariance matrix % sda: n*1 vector of standard deviations % CC: n*n matrix of correlation coefficients % e: n*1 vector of expected returns % % weight for observation t is 2^(t/h), scaled to sum to 1.0 % copyright 1995, William F. Sharpe % % this version Nov. 2, 1995 % if matrix has more rows than columns, transpose it if size(R,1) > size(R,2) R = R'; end; % get dimensions [n,s] = size(R); % set up weight vector if h == 0 x = zeros(1,s); else x = (1:s)/h; end; w = (2.^x); p = w/sum(w); % compute expected values e = R*p'; % compute matrix of deviations d = R - e*ones(1,s); % compute weighted covariances C = d*diag(p)*d'; % compute standard deviations sda = sqrt(diag(C)); % compute correlations (if sda = 0, corr = 0) z = sda*sda'; z = z + (z==0); CC = C./z;