Syllabus for mini-course on robust control and filtering in macroeconomics (to be given at the University of Texas at Austin, March 28-30, April 11-13 2001).

Instructor: Thomas J. Sargent (Hoover Institution and Stanford University)
The course will consist of four lectures. The main text will be `Elements of Robust Control and Filtering for Macroeconomics' by Lars Peter Hansen and myself. The lectures will teach people how to read the difficult parts of the text. The main messages will be what robust control in filtering are about, how they amount to a conservative modification of rational expectations, and how robust decision rules can be constructed easily by solving suitably modified Bellman equations. The Hansen-Sargent manuscript can be downloaded here: rgamesa.pdf The manuscript will be updated occasionally before Dec 1, 2000. The manuscript consists of these chapters:
A robust controller treats his model not as true but as a more or less good approximation. He seeks a decision rule that will work well enough over a set of models. One who constructs a robust filter treats his statistical model not as true but as an approximation. She seeks an estimator or filter that will work well across a set of models. Robust controllers and filters can be constructed by simple modifications of the usual Bellman or Riccati equations. The course will display this mostly in the context of linear quadratic models, though extensions to nonlinear models will also be described. We will spend substantial time on robustness in forward looking model. Matlab programs for many of the calculations will be supplied.
Matlab programs that will be mentioned in the class can be downloaded from matlab2 HST, HSW programs
General introductions to robustness in macroeconomics can be found in the following papers. The first two are `popular' while the second two are more advanced. The fourth paper describes non-linear robust control.