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day by day: a blog

February 01, 2008


cut_lemon.jpg [lemon image courtesy of WP Clipart] At 7.30 am this morning, in a moody kind of fugue state, I was in the kitchen gazing blankly at the type on the side of a carton of lemonade. Then, as a complete phrase, the words "Epitaph for a Lemon", like the title of a poem, welled up into my consciousness. I focussed on what the words on the box said. -- "This juice has been squeezed and packed in a state-of-the-art processing facility." Then, because one thing leads to another in the mind, I remember (I haven't looked it up; I could be wrong) what Balanchine said after he had visited a very sick Stravinsky: "God has not finished squeezing this lemon yet." And I shivered.

Posted by njenkins at February 1, 2008 08:15 PM

With the exception of interspersed quotations, all writing is © 2007-09 by Nicholas Jenkins