
      name:  <unnamed>

       log:  C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Rosenfeld\My Documents\newer web pages\

> soc_meth_proj3\fall_2010_s381_logs\class13b.log

  log type:  text

 opened on:   4 Nov 2010, 12:41:37


. use "C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Rosenfeld\Desktop\cps_mar_2000_new.dta", clear



. regress incwage  vietnam_vet male age age_sq yrsed  wkswork1 if age>24 & age<65


      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =   69305

-------------+------------------------------           F(  6, 69298) = 4795.02

       Model |  2.0489e+13     6  3.4149e+12           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  4.9352e+13 69298   712167136           R-squared     =  0.2934

-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.2933

       Total |  6.9841e+13 69304  1.0077e+09           Root MSE      =   26686



     incwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


 vietnam_vet |   421.8738   482.5732     0.87   0.382    -523.9687    1367.716

        male |   11708.68   213.2031    54.92   0.000      11290.8    12126.56

         age |   1616.429   80.65353    20.04   0.000     1458.348    1774.509

      age_sq |  -16.25437   .9189218   -17.69   0.000    -18.05546   -14.45329

       yrsed |   2594.228   34.48973    75.22   0.000     2526.628    2661.828

    wkswork1 |   560.5039   5.327079   105.22   0.000     550.0628     570.945

       _cons |  -73597.04   1730.189   -42.54   0.000     -76988.2   -70205.87



. stepwise, pe(.05) pr(.1) forward: regress incwage  vietnam_vet male age age_sq yrsed wkswork1 if age>24 & age<65

                      begin with empty model

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   male

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   yrsed

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   wkswork1

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   age

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   age_sq


      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =   69305

-------------+------------------------------           F(  5, 69299) = 5753.89

       Model |  2.0489e+13     5  4.0977e+12           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  4.9352e+13 69299   712164714           R-squared     =  0.2934

-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.2933

       Total |  6.9841e+13 69304  1.0077e+09           Root MSE      =   26686



     incwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


        male |   11751.57   207.4817    56.64   0.000     11344.91    12158.23

       yrsed |   2595.948   34.43355    75.39   0.000     2528.458    2663.437

    wkswork1 |   560.4922   5.327053   105.22   0.000     550.0512    570.9332

         age |   1621.023   80.48197    20.14   0.000     1463.279    1778.768

      age_sq |   -16.2854   .9182346   -17.74   0.000    -18.08514   -14.48566

       _cons |   -73754.5   1720.784   -42.86   0.000    -77127.24   -70381.77



* Forward stepwise


. stepwise, pe(.05) pr(.1) forward: regress incwage  vietnam_vet male (age age_sq) yrsed wkswork1 if age>24 & age<65

                      begin with empty model

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   male

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   yrsed

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   wkswork1

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   age age_sq


      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =   69305

-------------+------------------------------           F(  5, 69299) = 5753.89

       Model |  2.0489e+13     5  4.0977e+12           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  4.9352e+13 69299   712164714           R-squared     =  0.2934

-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.2933

       Total |  6.9841e+13 69304  1.0077e+09           Root MSE      =   26686



     incwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


        male |   11751.57   207.4817    56.64   0.000     11344.91    12158.23

       yrsed |   2595.948   34.43355    75.39   0.000     2528.458    2663.437

    wkswork1 |   560.4922   5.327053   105.22   0.000     550.0512    570.9332

         age |   1621.023   80.48197    20.14   0.000     1463.279    1778.768

      age_sq |   -16.2854   .9182346   -17.74   0.000    -18.08514   -14.48566

       _cons |   -73754.5   1720.784   -42.86   0.000    -77127.24   -70381.77



* If there are terms that belong together, Stata groups them together (as above with age and age_sq), and stata either adds or removes them as a group, testing their joint significance.


. stepwise, pe(.05) pr(.1): regress incwage  vietnam_vet male (age age_sq) yrsed  wkswork1 if age>24 & age<65

                      begin with full model

p = 0.3820 >= 0.1000  removing vietnam_vet


      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =   69305

-------------+------------------------------           F(  5, 69299) = 5753.89

       Model |  2.0489e+13     5  4.0977e+12           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  4.9352e+13 69299   712164714           R-squared     =  0.2934

-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.2933

       Total |  6.9841e+13 69304  1.0077e+09           Root MSE      =   26686



     incwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


    wkswork1 |   560.4922   5.327053   105.22   0.000     550.0512    570.9332

        male |   11751.57   207.4817    56.64   0.000     11344.91    12158.23

         age |   1621.023   80.48197    20.14   0.000     1463.279    1778.768

      age_sq |   -16.2854   .9182346   -17.74   0.000    -18.08514   -14.48566

       yrsed |   2595.948   34.43355    75.39   0.000     2528.458    2663.437

       _cons |   -73754.5   1720.784   -42.86   0.000    -77127.24   -70381.77



*what about categorical variables in stepwise? First let's generate the categorical variables.


. desmat race metro=ind(2)


Desmat generated the following design matrix:


nr   Variables       Term                        Parameterization

     First    Last


 1    _x_1    _x_3   race                        ind(100)

 2    _x_4    _x_7   metro                       ind(1)


* Then we will enter the race and metro terms as groups.


. stepwise, pe(.05) pr(.1) forward: regress incwage  vietnam_vet male (age age_sq) yrsed wkswork1 (_x_1-_x_3) (_x_4-_x_7) if age>24 & age<65

                      begin with empty model

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   male

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   yrsed

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   wkswork1

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   _x_4 _x_5 _x_6 _x_7

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   age age_sq

p = 0.0000 <  0.0500  adding   _x_1 _x_2 _x_3


      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =   69305

-------------+------------------------------           F( 12, 69292) = 2520.66

       Model |  2.1223e+13    12  1.7686e+12           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  4.8618e+13 69292   701636523           R-squared     =  0.3039

-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.3038

       Total |  6.9841e+13 69304  1.0077e+09           Root MSE      =   26488



     incwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


        male |   11736.29    206.038    56.96   0.000     11332.46    12140.12

       yrsed |   2523.478    34.3151    73.54   0.000     2456.221    2590.736

    wkswork1 |   558.1918   5.292014   105.48   0.000     547.8195    568.5642

        _x_4 |   4410.837   1919.035     2.30   0.022     649.5327    8172.141

        _x_5 |   6421.715   304.7193    21.07   0.000     5824.466    7018.964

        _x_6 |   8328.797   271.2832    30.70   0.000     7797.083    8860.512

        _x_7 |   4266.681   341.3702    12.50   0.000     3597.596    4935.766

         age |   1644.661   79.94449    20.57   0.000      1487.97    1801.352

      age_sq |  -16.42797   .9118828   -18.02   0.000    -18.21526   -14.64068

        _x_1 |  -3195.205   350.8409    -9.11   0.000    -3882.852   -2507.557

        _x_2 |  -1046.089   906.2542    -1.15   0.248    -2822.345    730.1677

        _x_3 |   -1093.86   540.5724    -2.02   0.043    -2153.381   -34.33916

       _cons |  -78514.23    1723.63   -45.55   0.000    -81892.54   -75135.92




. desmat race metro=ind(2)


Desmat generated the following design matrix:


nr   Variables       Term                        Parameterization

     First    Last


 1    _x_1    _x_3   race                        ind(100)

 2    _x_4    _x_7   metro                       ind(1)


. save "C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Rosenfeld\Desktop\cps_mar_2000_new.dta", replace

file C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Rosenfeld\Desktop\cps_mar_2000_new.dta saved


. stepwise, pe(.01) pr(.1) forward: regress incwage  vietnam_vet male (age age_sq) yrsed  wkswork1 _x_* if age>24 & age<65

                      begin with empty model

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   male

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   yrsed

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   wkswork1

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   age age_sq

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _x_6

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _x_5

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _x_7

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _x_1


      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =   69305

-------------+------------------------------           F(  9, 69295) = 3359.33

       Model |  2.1216e+13     9  2.3573e+12           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  4.8625e+13 69295   701714098           R-squared     =  0.3038

-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.3037

       Total |  6.9841e+13 69304  1.0077e+09           Root MSE      =   26490



     incwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


        male |    11738.8   206.0421    56.97   0.000     11334.96    12142.64

       yrsed |   2521.935   34.27647    73.58   0.000     2454.753    2589.117

    wkswork1 |   558.5336   5.289941   105.58   0.000     548.1654    568.9019

         age |   1644.306   79.94615    20.57   0.000     1487.611        1801

      age_sq |  -16.41599   .9118984   -18.00   0.000    -18.20331   -14.62867

        _x_6 |   8264.421   268.9224    30.73   0.000     7737.333    8791.508

        _x_5 |     6319.9   301.6441    20.95   0.000     5728.678    6911.122

        _x_7 |   4226.566   339.9594    12.43   0.000     3560.247    4892.886

        _x_1 |  -3123.385   349.4589    -8.94   0.000    -3808.324   -2438.446

       _cons |  -78508.63   1723.007   -45.56   0.000    -81885.72   -75131.54



*another way to deal with categorical variables in stepwise is to use stepwise and xi together…


. xi: stepwise, pe(.01) pr(.1) forward: regress incwage  vietnam_vet male (age age_sq) yrsed  wkswork1 i.race i.metro if age>24 & age<65

i.race            _Irace_100-650      (naturally coded; _Irace_100 omitted)

i.metro           _Imetro_0-4         (naturally coded; _Imetro_0 omitted)

                      begin with empty model

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   male

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   yrsed

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   wkswork1

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   age age_sq

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _Imetro_1

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _Imetro_3

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _Irace_200

p = 0.0000 <  0.0100  adding   _Imetro_2


      Source |       SS       df       MS              Number of obs =   69305

-------------+------------------------------           F(  9, 69295) = 3360.18

       Model |  2.1219e+13     9  2.3577e+12           Prob > F      =  0.0000

    Residual |  4.8622e+13 69295   701660264           R-squared     =  0.3038

-------------+------------------------------           Adj R-squared =  0.3037

       Total |  6.9841e+13 69304  1.0077e+09           Root MSE      =   26489



     incwage |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]


        male |   11738.54   206.0338    56.97   0.000     11334.72    12142.37

       yrsed |   2521.323   34.27599    73.56   0.000     2454.142    2588.503

    wkswork1 |   558.4997   5.289757   105.58   0.000     548.1318    568.8676

         age |   1645.217   79.94374    20.58   0.000     1488.527    1801.906

      age_sq |   -16.4273   .9118703   -18.01   0.000    -18.21457   -14.64004

   _Imetro_1 |  -4285.404      338.9   -12.65   0.000    -4949.647    -3621.16

   _Imetro_3 |   4035.274   306.6309    13.16   0.000     3434.278     4636.27

  _Irace_200 |  -3123.361   349.4428    -8.94   0.000    -3808.268   -2438.454

   _Imetro_2 |   2090.469    334.854     6.24   0.000     1434.155    2746.782

       _cons |  -74286.69   1727.303   -43.01   0.000    -77672.21   -70901.18



. log close

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> roj3\fall_2010_s381_logs\class13b.log

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 closed on:   4 Nov 2010, 15:45:31
