
      name:  <unnamed>

       log:  C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Rosenfeld\My Documents\newer web pages\soc_meth_proj3\2011_180B_logs\class3.log

  log type:  text

 opened on:   1 Feb 2011, 13:50:35


. use "C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Rosenfeld\Desktop\cps_mar_2000_new.dta", clear


* Note: Our stata log for class 3 didn't have much in it, as we mostly talked about the means and standard deviations document and the class excel file, about the meaning of standard error of the mean and the t-test.


* Below is my simple demonstration that unequal and the equal variance t-test for men's and women's education (for ages 25-34) is basically the same (5.7xxxxx), because the standard deviations of the two educational distributions are so similar that it doesn't matter whether one makes the equal variance assumption or not. Compare to the log from last class, and also to the unequal variance t-tests in my class Excel file.


. ttest yrsed if age>=25 & age<=34, by(sex) unequal


Two-sample t test with unequal variances


   Group |     Obs        Mean    Std. Err.   Std. Dev.   [95% Conf. Interval]


    Male |    9027    13.31212    .0312351    2.967666    13.25089    13.37335

  Female |    9511    13.55657    .0292693    2.854472    13.49919    13.61394


combined |   18538    13.43753    .0213921    2.912627     13.3956    13.47946


    diff |           -.2444469    .0428057                 -.32835   -.1605438


    diff = mean(Male) - mean(Female)                              t =  -5.7106

Ho: diff = 0                     Satterthwaite's degrees of freedom =  18383.6


    Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0

 Pr(T < t) = 0.0000         Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0000          Pr(T > t) = 1.0000


. ttest yrsed if age>=25 & age<=34, by(sex)


Two-sample t test with equal variances


   Group |     Obs        Mean    Std. Err.   Std. Dev.   [95% Conf. Interval]


    Male |    9027    13.31212    .0312351    2.967666    13.25089    13.37335

  Female |    9511    13.55657    .0292693    2.854472    13.49919    13.61394


combined |   18538    13.43753    .0213921    2.912627     13.3956    13.47946


    diff |           -.2444469    .0427623               -.3282649   -.1606289


    diff = mean(Male) - mean(Female)                              t =  -5.7164

Ho: diff = 0                                     degrees of freedom =    18536


    Ha: diff < 0                 Ha: diff != 0                 Ha: diff > 0

 Pr(T < t) = 0.0000         Pr(|T| > |t|) = 0.0000          Pr(T > t) = 1.0000


. log close

      name:  <unnamed>

       log:  C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Rosenfeld\My Documents\newer web pages\soc_meth_proj3\2011_180B_logs\class3.log

  log type:  text

 closed on:   1 Feb 2011, 16:27:42
