Welcome to Ignatius Donnelly's Comments Page. Your comment is added at the bottom of the page. If you would like to add your own comments or suggestions, click here.

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

You have some great material which I am just beginning to explore.(I loved the article "What on Earth Happened in 3200 BC?"). I will link you site into my main Underground Streams page.

Richard Shand


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

This site is interesting, yet the odd combination of personal issues and apocalyptic vision detracts from the power of the scientific and religious observations. It's really too bad. Otherwise I would recommend your site to others.

By: Anthony Beavers, Ph.D.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I believe that egyptians are a very strange nation, i'd be glad to discover if you know any data which exclude the possibly of a extraterrestral contact of them.




Sun Dec 1 17:50:12 1996

You have a lot of data on the Middle East, but I'd be interested in knowing more
about what may have happened in the southwestern U.S. area. I see you have a
comment from "B,P" in Arizona who says, "Research I conducted in SE Utah
supports a climatic "perturbation" around 5000 B.P." If you know other web sites
that cover this subject, or can give me an e- mail address for B.P. I'd appreciate
it. Thanks.
By: Michael Mountain

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Interesting information. It would be a good study to look at the data from the perspective of planetary sea levels. Using your data set and others you could do a plot of planetary sea levels and plot the coastlines for the different levels versus the known topography of the earth. This would allow the study of potential paleosites of human habitation.

Dennis Ray Wingo



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

This is a brilliant idea....



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

You're a nut!What does that skull have to do with anything?I take it you live in Idaho or something? Everybody knows there was a flood.That's why there are storys about it.But a higher water level in the River deltas does not a flood make.It was different.You must be crazy.None of this stuff links up.Do you sell Amway as


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Not convincing at all! there are lots of climatic events which will eventaully show up in the records happening around the globe at any one time(in a geological sense) The timing of your events are to widely spaced to indicate anyone global event and also there are more records going back to this time including some very high resolution and sensitive reocords where events dont show up. Major global events eg galcial cycles leave tons of evidence, lesser events eg the younger dyras are leave less evidence and are hotly debated.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

OK. So we're getting the evidence that the flood myths which turn up in geographically disparate cultures have a basis in fact. What major volcanic eruptions or impact craters near the poles have been identified that would cause rapid melting of part of the ice cap-- causing floods and the Dead Sea to rise 300ft??



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

This information has been very helpful. I am currently taking a conservation course and your information has given me further insight. Thank you very much

barton evans



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I was positively surprised about your interdisziplinary approach to paleoclimatic conditions. The linking up of climatology, paleo- geography, history and other sciences is very good. I congratulate you to your publication in the internet

Prof. Dr. D. Vogelsang



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Great... when can we expect the next one Iggy?

Myk Trow



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

i think the whole earth was under water and then a cold front came. i have a bs degree in math and a bs degree in civil engineering

Conrad Timothy


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I think the world will end by a great war between China and the USA. I have done lots of research on this and I really think it will happen. China's military is great and so is the USA's. Tension is growing between the 2 countries and people have been predicting this for years. Garfman,



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

An excellent presentation and very interesting. Here are some constructive criticism points INTENDED primarily to help validate your concepts when presented to a "open" group of people. I read the "comments" section and would like to offer my suggestions. Please do not be offended.

[1] Avoid from making any conclusions. I would suggest that you have a section called "Conclusions" and state simply that "... evidence appears to point to an event that occured at 3200 BC... " and "...the cause of this event and the extent of its' effect is still undetermined..." as well as "... it is easy to make some conclusions based on the limited amount of information presented... " and finally, "... I must refrain from making any conclusions at this time."

[2] One of your charts is presented as a mirror image and needs to be corrected.

[3] It would be VERY intersting if you were to compare a timeline of known meteriorite craters and your information. Again, your web site is very interesting and is well researched. My comments are only concerning the presentation to the population.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I do not believe that the information provided here is a valid comparison between the religious and scientific aspects of the events that occurred in 3200 BC. It is my belief that it is possible that a great flood covered the earth, however, how can anybody say that it was God's work. If there is a God, which I don't think so, would he really kill millions of people. Maybe it's just me but science rules over religion.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

What do you think of all the predications of either earth quakes or atomic wars starting in the year 1998 supposidly ending the conantal america as it now is. These have predicated buy various people with the uncertainty of which way it is supposed to happen and where. thanks to your feedback.

dale johansen



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I am looking at splitting of megalithic stones! It seems that these stones were splitted by intent. In many theories ones hears that ice could break these stones. The question is, was there enough coldness around 3200 CalBC? This coldness should be available in Northern Europe (Danmark, The Netherlands, Poland and Germany), were many paasage graves were build and sometimes splitted stones pop up. Can people say something about this? Also have a look at

Victor Reijs



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

The end of the world has already begone in subtle ways. In the bible it says that the end of the world will begene with greed.It also says that it will end with the numbers 666. Now in our modourne day we use a system of barr codes. Bar codes are seperated by three lines, each line is seperated by a six, 666. Also the planets are startingto line up in a christian cross. In a couple of years this cross will complete.This is not astrology it is astrology, it is astronomy.I do not no what this means, but itca't be good. Also when this happens the bigest floods in the world will begin. Also when Worln War 3 begins, anbd theres nuclear war, a lot of us our bound todie. There is also thec hance that a comet or asteroids hit the earth and we all die simultaniasley. But probobly we will bring on our own death with pollution.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Very interesting! Thanks for the input! I am reading a book by Julian Jaynes, it's called, 'The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind'. In this book, he mentions the destruction of the Minoan culture, north of present day Crete about 5,000 B.P. Indeed, something DID happen about that time. We have archeological evidence of an incredible volcanic episode destroying those people. The cause of this episode has yet to be determined. I would champion either axial realignment of the earth and planets by a close encounter with another star, the influence of solar evolution, or impact by a yet unknown meteor or comet, perhaps in mid-ocean. The dissemation of linguistic and cultural influence during this period indicates a phenomenal redistribution of peoples! Perhaps we are meant to learn something from these records.


Wed Apr 23 13:00:41 1997

Once again, I return to your web page to explore further. Ingatius, incarnate?
Who'r ya lad? Why do I hear the sound of Irish bagpipes when I think of ye?
Kitchen middens (ancient trash piles), found in the San Fransico Bay area, indicate
that the people living here along the shoreline, ate a great deal of shellfish. Also,
the remains many types of aquatic fowl, and fishes are mixed in these middens. Bits
of charcoal also found, have been dated to around 5,000 years B.P. The calcium
content of the mussel shells indicate that there was once 10X the fresh water then
currently coming into the bay.

We have to assume that there was a great deal more
runoff then at present. This indicates that rain was much more abundant, in the
'golden state', and the existence of a far wetter climate. Dendo-chronology (tree
ring studies) also indicate that the weather patterns here have varied incredibly
through the ages. There is record of a 500 years draught! The climate in the last
2-300 years has been comparatively mild, without the incredible shifts that these
records show.
By: 'D'= me

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Don't forget that the Biblical flood was most likely transcribed from the tale of Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Given the fact that there are several flood stories in ancient literature, something probably did happen that was stuck in the collective memories of the first poets. Have you also heard the observations of rainwater streaks on the Sphinx from that warmer, wetter period?

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

This appears to be one of the more "eye-opening" sites on the web ! Has anyone ever done a comparative analysis of timelines for sea level changes as observable for various continents, and major historic known volcanic events ? That might cast further light on climatological changes and human population patterns...? [Any volunteers out there ?

Bram Diepenbrock



Tue Apr 22 14:41:02 1997

Very interesting! Thanks for the input! I am reading a book by Julian Jaynes, it's called, 'The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind'. In this book, he mentions the destruction of the Minoan culture, north of present day Crete about 5,000 B.P. Indeed, something DID happen about that time. We have archeological evidence of an incredible volcanic episode destroying those people. The cause of this episode has yet to be determined. I would champion either axial realignment of the earth and planets by a close encounter with another star, the influence of solar evolution, or impact by a yet unknown meteor or comet, perhaps in mid-ocean. The dissemation of linguistic and cultural influence during this period indicates a phenomenal redistribution of peoples! Perhaps we are meant to learn something from these records, which will influence our future too?

By: 'D'= me

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

As we all know, Atlantis had sunken into the sea in 2 stages - First time -after Phaeton explotion (10,000 B.C.) Second - as mentioned above, creating First pharaoh dynasties in Egypt and starting Mayan year-counting. The sink of 3000 B.C. is mentioned in Byble as the flood, destroing evil (sons of belial, as mentioned in some site called "Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu) Thank you for reading that.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Paleoclimate in Japan (Joumon period) also warm during Early and Middle Joumon periods. This is referred to as "hipushi saamaru". Is there a word "hypsithermal" in English? What would it mean? Middle Joumon is about 3,500 B.C. , the warm weather seems to fit nicely with the huge spike at 3200 years BC. I'd like to learn more.-


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

To Dick Meehan We met at the Cambridge Conference Much appreciate your web page - full of interest to me. Do you have anything pubished about the Kavun river influence on mesopotamian floods? Best regards, Shelley Dorset U.K.

Shelley Fey



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

do you have a www adress for the national paleoclimate data center in Boulder, CO?

jeff kirwan



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

The scientiffic facts discovered for the time period of 3200 b.c. are typical for an impact of a large asteroid or comet. The impact blowed up massive dust clouds into the atmosphere. These dust clouds blocked the sunlight for many months - a global cold period began. During it`s flight through the earth atmosphere the comet headed up on some 10 000 degrees celcious, causing a reaction between the atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen. The result was a verry corrosive and worldwide acid rain of sulfo- ric acide. If the impact happened into an ocean, there would be also blasted great numberes of steam into the atmosphere. This steam caused a greenhouse effect just after the global temperature fall off has ended. Floodings and errosions are also a con- sequence of a water- impact.

Some importent articles rellated to this theme do exist. In 1981 the US- geo- logist Luiz Alvarez prooved that the extinction of the dinosaurs was the cause of a large asteroid impact. During his study he discovered simmilar data to the one you have found for the time period of 3200 b.c. The austrian geologist Alexander Tollmann also found simmilar facts for another impact in 7552 b.c. This impact could be the reason for the great biblic flood.

By: Schmidtmann,Mike


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

You talk about the flooding of the Baltic via the Mediteranian in 7500 BC. I assume you mean the Black Sea via the Bosporus? There is no way the Baltic Sea could have been filled this way ... Please confirm.

OttoR. Heine



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Evolution is a crock! Continue educating people on the truth. I feel sorry for the unknowing people when on judgement day... they will learn the truth!
By: Kris Kramer


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Nice job, keep it up!

Tom Edson



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Many years ago, I read about a place, in South America, I'M not really sure weather it's either Chile, or Peru , or some other South American country.... But, I do remember that it was explained as this.....We discovered some caves..... not just normal caves..... but caves which were uniform,...approximately 12'X18' in height and width, but which seemed to go on for an undetermined length. The thing that intriged me the most was this,..... They could find no place within hundreds of miles, where the tailings of these mines, or caves , was deposited. In fact, it was implied, that the walls of these caves,.... seemed to be ,.... lazer cut or excavated. Ancient caves, Lazer cut, no tailings, struck me as extremely interesting. At the time, I was reading books like, "Chariots of the Gods" and " In Search of Ancient Astonauts".

Even though these books were questionable, as to their verifiable facts, I was intrigued by the pictures of the actual caves shown in nthe book. My question to you is this?...... Have you heard, or seen, or have any resources which I could investigate myself, which would help me to track down these caves? So far, I have been unable to track down any references to these caves, where they are, or what has been learned about them since then.


Wed Sep 17 19:42:57 1997

Upon looking at your page "Science, Love....", I deduced that those pill picts were
either communion wafers or "hits" of ectasy. Your site proves to be interesting,
however you take the bible to such literal lengths. Perhaps it was a code of ethics,
similar to Buddism, etc. While the Bible presents a good source of human mores, is
it the "end all...be all"? This question is only asked to provide you with a question:
"What have I done to make humanity a noble endevour?" While "God" is
important, our actions reap results. Do not preach, but practice with humility.
By: An objective observer with kind intentions

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Well, well. The comments were almost more interesting than the site itself. Not to say that boundaries in the world are not useful, they are, but clearly here is a man who has broken the rules and crossed the sacred religious and academic boundaries of many, else why all the ire and scorn? The more layers there are to a question, a story, a myth, scientific data... the more interesting it becomes. I think the value is not in learning what the "TRUTH" is (or is not), but what we learn about others and ourselves along the way, the questions we ask, the pictures we paint, our own weave of the story thread and how it meshes with the world. Anyway, it is fascinating getting another look at a man I've been acquainted with for over 10 years, and discovering that I do AND I don't know him well. A paradox. It's what makes life worth living, the journey, not the end. And that is what I think the site is, a journey.

pwyll the welsh


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

The phenomena you describe and some mentioned in the comments appear to be the result of the great explosion of the volcano which is now the island of Santorini in the Meditteranean.




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Very interesting. check out




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I was aware that there was a flood around 3105 BC, but after reading the other data you presented am now convinced a shift of the poles occured. The 3105 figure comes from a flood mentioned in Vedic literature. This may be confirmed by examining the magnetic patterns set-up in lava flows.

Mike White



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I read your page 'What on Earth Happened in 3200 BC' with great interest, as it echoes many of the concepts in my own book



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

My name is Lauren Hunt. I am a high school freshman from Indiana. Today I am reserching Creationism v. Evolution so I can defend Creationism in school in a few weeks when we enter that topic area. I really enjoyed reading your information. I belive that the bible says exactly what God meant. (I am a Christian, Catholic to be persise.) I read some of the other comments that people wrote. One person was talking about how the flood couldn't happen because of the different races. A new type of DNA (it's called Microcondria DNA or somthing really close to that) has been discovered. It is passed on from mother to daughter. Every female in every race has this certain kind of DNA. The scienctist are all saying how this says that there was one female somewhere back in history that is the great-great (great on and on) grandma of us all. That takes away the major complaint of the flood story. I'd like to mention another point.

Today I read that all the geologists agree that the earth has been hospitable to life of any kind for 4 billion years. When we think about all that time it seems like an eternity, pleanty of time for evolution to take place. On the contrarry, that is several billion years to short of time. DNA contains 3 billion nitorgenous base pairs or in other words 3 billion little rungs on the twisted ladder shape. This would mean that DNA would have to change at the rate of .75 base pairs a year (not generation)! This is DNA alone! We haven't even mentioned the cell. Even an extra billion years can't help! To be taking place at the rate Evolutionists say we need billions upon billions of more years! Heck, I haven't even mentioned the fact that
Neatertal DNA was tested and was proven that the Neantertal are NOT human. The DNA was not human DNA. The scientist that did this test were tring to prove that there was a link there. Looks like Evolution needs to rethink its monkeys to humans idea.
By: Lauren Hunt


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I just sent in some info. It was the really long one about 3 different things. (DNA in females of every race passed on mother to daughter, not enough time for evolution to take place and Neantertals are not humans.) I was wondering if you could sens me any scientific information suporting Creationism. If you could I would relly apperciate it.

Lauren Hunt

gphunt@iquest.net Subject= To Lauren


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Dear Mr. Donnelly, My name is Jennifer Koons, and my partner's name is Sarah Darrow. We are advanced Chemistry students at Corning Union High School. We are doing a project on Global Climate, later we will be holding a Climate Conference simulation and presenting our research papers. Part of the requirements for our project is to contact a expert in the field we are researching. Our topic is paleoclimatology, but we have narrowed our topic down to 'The climate in ancient times, and how climate change affected civilization. --------------------------------------------------

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Your pages are very thrilling and exciting. My own investigations have shown that something dramatically happened about 3000 BC. However You have made a serius error, at least in one case: You have confused C14 years with calender years, which is totally wrong! The levels of the Dead Sea are shown according to C14 years. The sudden and sharp rise 5200 BP is thus not the sam as a rise 3200 BC but rather 4000 BC. See for instance "High-Precision Decadal Calibration of the Radiocarbon Time scale, AD 1950 - 6000 BC", in Radiocarbon, vol 35, p 35-65. I thing You may have done the same thing in other cases too. The Flood did not occur when the Dead Sea rise but when it sunk. The date is about 2800 BC. Sincerely Yours! Dag Kihlman

By: Dag Kihlman

Dag Kihlman



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Sorry! I wrongly believed You hadn't calibrated the dates, but I when I took a close look I realized that You have indeed done that!



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

wow! what evidence of the suppossed "end of the world". do you, personally, really think this stuff is really evidence of the end, or just coincidental stuff that fulfills the imaginations of man that began 5000 years ago?



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I would like to see how Sunda and Sahul fit into your chronology. The arival of the first wave of Australian aboriginal is thought to have occoured in conjunction with falling sea levels. Recent interpretations put their arrival here at some time between 100,000 and 120,000 years ago.

John Niddrie



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I think aliens done it "Rimmer, you think everythin's aliens..."




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

From the scientific data presented, what went on in 3200 BC must have been similar to what went on in the period 800-900 AD. Has anybody found evidence of the flooding from a massive lake contained by ice dams from the last Ice age similar to what happen in Eastern Washington when the Clark Fork river got backed up during the last Ice age. Maybe it happened over the Bering Strait. Hank

H Fritze



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

What do you think about documented climate change in ancient Egypt? I've read somewhere that in the pyramide age wood was usual construction material in Egypt, though already in 11-12 dinasties wood was rare and pharaons sent for wood to Biblos. What links has it with appearence of Sakhara?



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Great ppage with wonderful insight into some of lifes greatest mysteries.

Brian Belkin, Ph.D


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

It is refreshing to see a database of this sort that is not promoting some agenda, be it Pro Creation and Conservatism, or the now popular Atheistic movement, or doom and gloom Environmental Pseudoscience twaddle. Thank you for a relatively complete (to date) and unbiased view of the physical facts regarding the time and events of interest. I hope others emulate the mature and responsible  demeanor shown here. Michael L. Elder, P.E.
By: Michael Elder


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I noticed your timeline says BP. Why don't you say before Christ? Nonchristians as well as scientists still use the same dividing line as BC or AD (Present). It seems science has an aversion to admit or deal with GOD.



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Great research. Will comment at a later time. Thank you!

B.J. Zerkel



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

if we don't know what happened in 3200 BC then nothing happened. something exist only if know and/or believe it is.



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

March 7, 1998 Hi I am sure God planned every year of His creation since the day he did create and started communicating with man. Therefore

Gregor Georg Gimmel



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

A book that I have written on this subject is soon to be available--in about two months. I think you will find it of interest. I will send you a review copy free of charge if you will provide me with a proper mailing address. Thanks.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I realy like your wedsite. Keep up to good work.



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I have a publication that you may find very interesting. It is a model for solar output since 30,000 BP. Basically it is a series superimposed cycles in solar activity. The resultant values of solar energy coincide with many series of climate proxy data from -30 Kyrs on as well as historical information after 8K. 8K. Please email for a copy.
By: Dr. Charlie Perry

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

this really sucks. i need info on hydrology

austin barr



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

The eagle screams at midnight. Yes. And the man in the sun is angry.


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

You may find it handy to include on your page a proposed map of the world for both 3100 BCE and 12,500 BCE. Great Site!

Gil Payson



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Ignatio....apparently we are experiencing similar climatic disruptions now? Climatic upheaval....earth in upheaval? Solar system redistributing itself? Incredible amounts of water vapor in the atmosphere at present.....More evidence arises of late, that bronze age civilizations were 'stressed' even destroyed by mid-ocean cometary or asteroidal impact and subsequent climatary changes....I propose that the current climatic upheaval and subsequent appearance of a large number of comets indicates a similar series of events occuring today? In 1981 a series of relitively rare planetary conjunctions began....it lasted 12 years or so..... Gas giants Jupiter and Saturn met with Neptune and Uranus in Sagitarius, which is were the main local gravity well is....i.e. the center of the milky way galaxy. The recent rash of comets along with the climate changes we're witnessing......Shoemaker/Levy 9, Hyakutake, Hale Bopp, and others, like C/1998 H1 Stonehouse....found just last week, and the crazy weather we're having...and the increased water vapor appearing in the latest Mars Global Observer images...are....very interesting in their conjunction.

I really like seeing the Mars data 'pouring' in! Great STUFF! Mars is a dirt-ball! Sand-blasted canyons and mile upon mile of dunes...hmmmm... Especially because earth based telescopes confirm recent increased water vapor cloud  activity there.....El Nino on Mars? Sublimating hydroxl methinks? And not simply growing ponds....but Glaciers and hurricanes perhaps for the West coast? ACK!
By: 'D'= me!........>}}}o>....

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Have any of you been to www.creationscience.com, Dr. walt brown has some pretty good explainations for all this stuff!




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Wow! This comments list alone ought to be required reading in any evolution/creation discussion group! It spans the entire subject wonderfully, from incisive and detailed criticism (on both sides) to childish name-calling (on both sides.) It's amazing that any two people ever agree on anything! Cheers!



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Iggy= Now that you consider yourself an ubiased, scientific enquirer on the Holocene...I have a suggestion for your personal growth. Why don't you take the time to study the past alittle more to round out your education. You have a bit of a grasp on what happened 1000 years ago and 10,000 years ago. Now try studying with some intensity and sophistication what happened 100,000 years ago and 1,000,000 years ago and 10,000,000 years ago and 100,000,000 years ago ad 1,000,000,000 years ago. It's really just adding 0's... powers of ten.  My 6 year old can do it...can you? Or doesn't an older time period meet your predetermined objectives???
By: Jack R. Lagoni


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Do you ever consider the fact of extra-terrestrial life destroying the planet

Zach Speece



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I think the world will end soon. Next year in July ww3 will break ou and the U.S.A and Russia will not be on the same side. Then if we all survive, we will have a catastrophe at the 5/5/2000.

Frank Smith


Sun Jun 7 21:37:21 1998

There is a very strong possibility that the events described by your text involves a GeoMagnetic Reversal. At around 13,000 BC there was a geomagnetic reversal of 30 degrees. This event shifted the poles 30 degrees off the Y axis. Thus the Ice Caps at both the north and the south poles were exposed to warmer climates. Rapid melting of ice occurred. Thus extreme flooding was the result. Prior to this, Antartica was in a very temperate and comfortable zone. It probably housed cities and civilization.

Perhaps a civilization of sailers. I trust that the implimcation of this means that the Ice Age was not rather a period of hot / cold climate changes, but rather the periodic variation of the geomagnetic poles. Aside from the evidence that you have indicated, one must not dismiss the extreme WATER EROSION indicated on selective Egyption Artifacts. Namely the Sphinx, and other temple structures. Note also that many have been 'repaired' by the Egyptions in the 3000 BC time frame. I cannot explain the relationship between Egypt and the various floods, except to state that floods have affected the culture of the region. That is certain. Also, that the Great Pyramid was built in 4000 BC and this was AFTER the last flood whereas it was deemed very important that the pyramid structure be built. I do not know or understand the functions of the chambers. But I do know this, and perhaps I am the only one who knows this, that the ANTECHAMBER in the entry passage to the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid is a functional DEVICE. It is not a passage. By chance, I had used the identical design of the ANTICHAMBER in one of my appliance designs. Look at the Holmes Products Corporation Humidifier HM-5450. You will note that there is a path where cool water enters the boiling chamber. In order to prevent the premature mixing of temperature and various undesirable steam effects, a maze was developed so as to STAGE the water path. The ANTICHAMBER is almost the same identical design. Please do notmisunderstand that I think that the Great Pyramid is some kind of giant Humidifier, but realize that this structure was built within short memory of the Flood and was designed with a mechanical system designed to isolate Hot Liquid from Cold Liquid. An understanding of the actual climatic conditions at this time period would greatly advance the study of the Great Pyramid Mystery.

-Robert By: Robert VannRox --------------------------------------------------------------------

Mon Jun 8 21:09:29 1998

I thoroughly enjoyed the Science "Path" of this site. I have a B.S. in geological engineering, and much of this information was new, but not uncomprehendable. However, it seems that none of the paths is clearly organized into sections of thought. It might more more sense to organize into the evidence for catastrophes by either times or events. For example, put all the references to methane peaks in one section, rather than spreading them out over several pages of other information, such as sea levels or climate trends. And the "Love Path" doesn't fit into any of this discussion. The section seems more like fictional stories, which, while they are enjoyable, have very little to do with the topic that attracted most people to this site. But these are merely suggestions, and despite my comments, I still enjoyed exploring this site.

By: Erin Iverson


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

For a lot of interesting information about floods, pyramids and catastrophes, a very good book is Gods Of The New Millenium, by Alan Alford.




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

small comet or asteroidal impact?



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Compare to History as seen through the eyes of the Masonic Fraternity.

M Megeath



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Yes... It's true. Reputable scientists do have indisputable proof that supports creationism and the Bible. Informed scientists around the world have acknowledged the knowledge of creationism. The issue is already closed. There are too many evidences to list in this message. 

Religious Investigator


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

More of a request please, I would like to have the full data for that oak tree ring belfast data if at all possible. I am looking for sun spot events on a 10.6 year cycle that should show up - (but how far back?) as lower than normal growth - not all cycles will be bad, but the oaak from Spessart adn Treir in Germany showed this back to 800 Ad so I am wanting to examine data as far back as possible. Ditto can yoou provide data or ref to German Oak also P L E A S E !! Re event 5200 BP- it appears SOMETHING happened, also 8000 BP ... and I would like to know what, solar likned? I am working the same problem but from different point of view. JHLL

James (Jim) H. L. Lawler (PhD)



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I have studied the prehistory of not only the earth but the entire solar system and have been doing this since 1976. I can explain every enigma known to man and can back it up with facts. I would be willing to share this information if you give me something you are particularly wondering about. Contact me at ctc69@hotmail.com .



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I don't know what u r talking about, but it showed alot more exciting on one of the magazines. thanks




Thu Aug 20 07:33:44 1998

Fascinating compliation of information, but more than that - I can't help but get the feeling that there are many people out there working independantly on various projects and if they could all be brought together, each with their own small, but important part of the picture - then an awsome story would be told. Keep up the work. There are a few people out there doing the research while the rest of us battle with what we perceive to be more important (fixing the car, buying a house...) - but we are be wrong.

By: Stu McKay


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I want to know who first described the hydrological cycle..ie precipitation, runoff, evaporation condensation etc. I would appreciate any info in the next 24 hours. Thanks a million..!




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

it seems that you need to check out the real world and get a date!

j thomas


Sat Oct 10 23:27:04 1998

I know the posting has been up for awhile, here are some notes of one theory that might correspond to what your wondering about. Recently, I have noted around 3100 B.C. there was a minor pole shift. did you know this??? It was just enough to start up some volcanic activity. It was not an abrupt shift very minimal and progressive best estimates is 2-3 degrees tops over a 200-300 year period. The way I found out would blow your mind and so give me the credit on this one. When you take say the name of a star and it shows at a certain latitude of earth by a persons name noting it on the horizon at say 3100 B.C. the star is on an improper lattitude for where it should be say an error 1-2 degrees.

This person could not make a mistake when he named it he had to be for navigation-religious purposes died on. I found this answer in an indian word in michigan and it was off because for the the name to be on a meridian and at lattitude at that date could not be 2 degrees higher. So, here is the problem they always noted comets back then but explain the zodiac moving in its improper place would have disturbed the pants off of them see...Sir the records are there I know it and would explain like we have to day the globel warming. Say shifting towards the sun not from??? A shift also can displace water tables so don't blame volcanos for everything they usually are an aftermath...

By: drc


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

interesting site and data. Well, how about the "great flood of Noah"? Many find it difficult to conceive that such a cataclysmic event could've happened. But if the data that you've gathered shows a "flood like" event happening back around the time frame for the same flood event that the bible describes, then why not? Does that historical data show what the temperatures were at that time? I remember hearing that Lief Erickson was able to live on the coast of Greenland during the 800 to 1225 ad time period. Not that he lived that long but the the temps. were warm enough to have allowed people to live there until the next "mini ice age" came about. Perhaps a similarly cataclysmic event eclipsed the known or even whole world at that time.

Steve Buckley



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Ignatius, more info. for your effort/files. I found an interesting chapter in a recently purchased book. It's called 'Guerneville Early Days - A history of the lover Russian River' by John C. Schubert, pub. 1997. Check out chapter 2, 'The lay of the land and the run of the river'. Turns out that Guernville, on the Russian River, 75 miles north of San Francisco, has an 'oxbow cutoff'. Geologic evidence is presented which shows that the Russian River running through Guernville once followed a completely different course! There is an 'oxbow cutoff' there. The aerial photo of Guernville, taken in May, 1961 shows this obvious feature. Redwood stumps with 2,400 rings and other anecdotal evidence shows that approx. 5,000 years ago, a tremendous flood cut thru the mountain and changed the course of the river!

This must have been one hell of a flood, as it cut thru more then 100 feet of fairly solid rock/mountain to create the river's current path! Also, a book by Stephen Powers, 'Indians of Northern California' captures local indian mythology about a great flood.... The Kashiyah and southern Pomo indians have a flood story/myth in their spoken traditions. They recount a flood so great that only the people who climbed the highest mountains around survived! It's part of their verbal creation stories...Stephen Powers came to Calif. in 1867. He walked across the southern United States to San Diego, back in 1867. He then traveled/walked North to 'Yerba Buena' (S.F.) and settled North of the area between 1870-75. He made his living selling the stories/accounts he wrote to prestigious eastern publications. Arriving in this area, he decided to document the remaining native american tribes. His records are one of the few accounts of the people that lived here. Most of the Nat. Americans had been decimated by the 'Gold Rush' miners and the ensuing anglo
onslaught. So his stories are invaluable....as are the traditions he captured.
By: 'D'= me!


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I want to know about the trade, homes and technology of the people of the Alps 5000 years ago! I got to hand in a long paragragh about this by tomorrow. please give me your best explanation about my inquiry as fast as you can/ I really appreciate you sharing your precious time on my personal question. thank You!!!



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

May I have permission to use some of your material for publication on web sites and evntually perhaps for inclusion into a documentary? I would like to discuss this further via personal e-mail if I may. D.Laing




Dear Mr. Donnelly:

To the R.I.O.T. group, You people are psuedo-scientists. That case is definitely closed. I would love to hear where you found that the planets are going to aline themselves in the year 2000, but the last I heard from the field of astronomy, that is a long way off my friends. Are you just millineum freaks or something. Do you realize the millineum does not hit us in 2000 A.D.? Did you realize the millineum change will occur in the year 2001? That's right. If you will recall, there was never a year 0 A.D. Before you people try to force you misguided beliefs on others, why not talk to real scientists,
who can give you real truths.
By: Gryphon


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Your site makes alot of sense with climate changes affecting world civilizations, but maybe it's time that you went off the traveled path and look into Atlantis. Specifically Atlantis myths in regards to Antarctica. Here's a Hint to get you started if you choose research anything related to Atlantis. Atlantis is in the center of the World Ocean.
By: Archcanis --------------------------------------------------

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Your very large and detailed site contains a lot of data about a catastrophic rise in sea level. It is mighty hard to follow though. There is too much information that doesn't really relate to the data. It would also be nice to have a single detailed index page, with or without a link mapped graphic. For what it's worth, I'm going to add links to a few of your pages to one of my tiny little indices. Keep up
the good work! http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/7551/index.html
By: Lixus

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

errrr.....what the hell?



Wed Dec 30 14:34:50 1998

Interesting site. Much like the rest of the Super-DisInformation Highway, a good mix of opinion, idea, myth, fantasy, and observation masquarading as fact and art (hence, the impostering of that dead man, I. Donnelly, has a certain merit). As for the comments.. really, somebody should at least remove some of the repeated spam.. I notice that the dissenters herein resort only to name-calling (mammalian shit-throwing), and fail to post anything even approaching the data that you have on your site. The GOD worshippers could at least admit, that, assuming an omnipotent deity, all of your data and conclusions could still easily be correct, and "nature" simply a vehicle of Its power.

Since we can't really even explain how we command our own hands to type on a keyboard, we really can't rule out the possibility of some spiritual force. I suspect, though, that for the most part, if some a deity does exist, it doesn't depend on our belief in it. I do think too much is made of the Bible by scientists and yourself herein(although to be expected considering the nature of the works of your impostered dead author).. always trying to find explanations for this or that.. or trying to prove or disprove it.. or using it as a prop for outdated moralities of all kinds and supposed historical phenomena/events of all sorts. It doesn't seem to me that this site has much to do with Evolution of Species, a rather untenable theory without much proof, (as differs from the evolution of traits within the same species, a verifiable phenomena, easily observed with a can of insect repellant and a few generations of roaches). If some spirituality (i.e. GOD, Krisna, Gaia, ExtraTerrestrials, ExtraDimensionals, other etc etc), does exist, surely this would affect the development of species on this planet, and some theorists propose catastrophism in the development of lifeforms as well.. (i.e. sudden shifts where a species suddenly appears with no apparent direct link to a previous ancestor). Some scientists even find time appears non-continuous when observed with certain instruments (i.e. jumping from one moment to the next).

People often forget that only through rigorous training can we learn to observe the same event in the same way, and without that training (or with opposing training styles) the most intelligent seeming people can argue forever about the "true" nature of phenomena and its supposed numena (cause). Anyway.. hope you update your site.. needs more intersectional links back to previous pages and to the index.. and you might add an exposing section that reveals your true impostering nature for those new to the disinformation highway that seem to think everything they read is either true or meant to be taken as such. For a real off-the-wall adventure into the combination of sincerity with sillyness and spoof (but lacking any scientific data), come to AlterNative Labs : ( http://come.to/moesteg ) -- have fun, moe.

By: moe SAINT EverGreen --------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I think that historians are wrong. The flow of history is too smooth and that there was an advanced civilization that we don't know about. The one thing is for sure ancient Egypt, the Minoans, the Babalonians, and early Greeks are the key to the advanced civilization. Historians say that after the ice age human civilization started and we are at the peek right now. I hypothisis that there was another civilization that was ahead for its time...could it be Atlantis???


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Er,...uh,...Hmm! Love your details. You obviously know your stuff when it comes to er,...uh,...Aquiferologisticism??? Not sure what you're implying with it tho? Biblioevoluticreatiohistamutatism? (Definetly got a good chuckle from it, 'specially the Sullivan stuff!)

L. Hill



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

What is the latest on the comet Enke?

Rahn Heart



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Thanks for your wonderful article. QUESTION ?

Bram Diepenbrock



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Could it be a pole shift like the one predicted for the very near future?

Jeff Mustion



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

This data correlates well with Noah's flood, described in the Bible (Genesis 6,7,8). The best explanation for the cause is a thermonuclear event in the oceanic curst initiating crystalline changes in the peridotite with 10% expansion. The ocean floor rose to inundate the land while heated water evaporated to provide the fresh water rain for 150 days (not just the first 40 days before the ark floated).

Dr. Fred


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

You have a lot of data on the Middle East, but I'd be interested in knowing more about what may have happened in the southwestern U.S. area. I see you have a comment from "B,P" in Arizona who says, "Research I conducted in SE Utah supports a climatic "perturbation" around 5000 B.P." If you know other web sites that cover this subject, or can give me an e-mail address for B.P. I'd appreciate it. Thanks.



Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Please see the paper at my webb site concering Vulcan (the sun's companion star), comets, and impending catastrophe. There are references to "the flood" and some very interesting correlations.

Sam Abraham



Fri Feb 19 16:20:36 1999

Hello again Ignatius!...More coal for your 'fire'! can be found at: http://www.ames.net/aeon/index.html I found this AMES research site while looking around at archeoastronomy sites. The author(s) describe translations from Summarian texts/poems and other early writtings. If the translations are correct...the ancients agree with Velikovsky's theory of a major re-alignment of the planets...some 11,000 BP. VERY interesting stuff in there...I hope you find the time to visit that site. Perhaps some of the info. can be added to your volumes? The ancients record Venus with a cometary appearance! Saturn not where it is today and other interesting observations...An ex-girlfriend of mine was a 'trained psychic'...by the Berkeley Psychic Institute (sheesh!). I never took much stock in what she had to say about 'past lives'...thought her simply using the stories she told as a tool to establish communications with the sub-conscious mind of those she offered readings to.

She did a lot of 'readings' for me as we lived together for about a year. One of the readings really upset me. She told me that we had been together in a previous incarnation - in ATLANTIS! We were well known 'healers'...sought out by all. I found her story interesting at least..but was suprised by a series of dreams I had soon after. In these dreams I discover that I am on Atlantis..and it is not on the earth! It instead was a planet between the current orbits of Mars and Jupiter! I was active in a group that was 'terraforming' one of the inner planets...readying it for our eventual occupation....this was the earth. A very interesting series of dreams! Very vivid...very detailed. I paid not much attention to them but thought them brought on due to her suggestions. Now...I have begun to see them in a different light....and am amazed that I continue to find other evidence! Haven't seen the psychic in more than 10 years... But what a wonderful resource for history this would be...if in fact such data may be useful for say, archeological searches....I am building one of the vehicles we used to get around on the oceans of Atlantis....the dreams were that vivid! I am 'recreating' it as closely as I can.....although I'm not using the same powerplant..instead a conventional aircraft engine...hope we can go for a ride some day! Ho!

 By: 'D'= me!


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

Prior to the flood our earth was covered by a watery canope. This kept the average temp closer to the idealfor plants. This temp was within 4 degrees of the due-point. This caaused a protection of our biological processes from cosmic radiation from the sun andd extended our lifespan to reach close to 1000 years of age before we die of old age. RAin was unheard of prior to Noahs ark time as the fog of the day (protection) settled upon the green plants to water them every night. (like dew on the grass in the fall lawns. This cleared the night sky so as to view the stars, but lifted back to sky to protect humans during the day under to sun. This diffused day light heated the north and south poles and tempered the equator so as to causse a paradise greenery. This is all available by studying your bible. sinccerely John Becker

John Becker

john becker


Dear Mr. Donnelly:

I don't think anyone gives Immanuel Velikovsky's works enough credit. Even Albert Einstein laughed in his face. (In a matter of speaking) After probes were sent to Venus and other planets and relaying back data that proved Velikovsky's theorys correct. Albert Einstien acknowledged Velikovsky's work after the data was recieved. A lot of so called scientists that begrudged him are now comming around. But most still can't swallow the other theories that Velikovsky "predicted" yet they have not been disproved. Of course we can only speculate what really happened, despite know facts, only God really knows. Now that Velikovsky's "predictions" are coming true, all you can do is squabble about him borrowing some early material. Thats ridiculess, every Scientist, Teacher, Chemist, Doctor, Engineer...etc. uses or is influenced by his predicessors idea, books, papers, or beliefs. Lets give a very intelligent and open minded scientist, Doctor, Futurist, Visonary...etc some well deserved credit.

William W.


Thu Mar 11 22:57:24 1999

Ah-haa! Got it! I finally put together some of the pieces of this puzzle/page. Ignatius Donnelly WAS a famous early Californian, a Senator no less!...and had what were considered to be some rather outrageous ideas about the bible and history/myth. (I will study more about him...) Now, apparently Immanuel Velikovski was a 'student' of Donnelly's works. Immanuel Velikovski is known for his book 'World's in collision' and other works. Modern scientists like Carl Sagan went to great lengths to discredit him! Tried to get him banned for his 'blasphemies'...I like that! Challenge route scientific thought! Question authority!

He was a contemporary of Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstien...He must have seen the trend Ignatius Donnelly set, in his earlier works and followed with further studies of ancient mythology... His theories perhaps an extension of Ignatius'? And you're page now begins to make sense...of course, cataclysmic earth changes are part of this whole line of reasoning/thought. Does the 'Aeon magazine' ring a bell? Is this page afterall, a study in archeotypical memories? To what purpose have you created this? To get us thinking? Well its working....and for your information - Plasma universe theory rules! The BIG BANG should be changed into the BIG LIE THEORY! No, not creationism...but another form of gnosis...beyond accepted scientific 'fact'! Truely, we only know that we don't know everything!

By: 'D'= me!


Wed Mar 31 17:57:03 1999

Surprising none of your commentators mentioned the book of Revelations, my favorite lonely motel reading. Maybe it would be more appropriate for the later chapters you are developing. It would make a good neo-Wagnerian opera. - Mike
By: Michael A. O'Keeffe

Mon Apr 19 21:25:09 1999

I heard at one point in time, that some caticlismic event was to trigger the End of the World on my Birthday this year. It would be May 5th 1999. A great 17th Birthday eh? I am rather sceptical, perhaps you could provide me with some answers on this one. Thank you for your time. P.S. please answer soon. Time seems to be of the essence! Joshua Jayne
By: josh jayne

Mon Apr 19 21:42:13 1999

Sorry to take more of your time so soon! As I was reading some of the other folks comments I pondered a thought. It might be nice, given the time, technology ,and assistance, to organize a chat room so, others can contribute information live. If nothing elese, a heated discusion always makes good entertainment. Thank You.
By: joshua jayne

Sun May 2 22:15:34 1999

All I wanted to know was whether Noah had anything to do with Sodom and Gomorrah. I think I came to the wrong place
By: johnny b kokomo

Mon May 31 13:08:26 1999

Dear Mr. Donnelly: I was looking for some serious apocaliptic sociology and I found your site. I would have liked it better if it wasn't so full of low category theories such as ET's and indian legends, it would be great to discuss about the incoming of post-modernism as a very strong sign of apocalipse. Anyway, my biggest respect to you.
By: Felipe Jorquera

Tue Jun 1 08:18:41 1999

dear mr donelly Your page is very interesting. i always appreciate an inter-disciplinary approach to any acedemic rese arch. many hard lined scientists or mathmaticians d issaprove of this approach because of their own flawed, establishment attachment to one specific field; usually an attachment welded over time whose sentiments are strengthened by ignorance of the surrounding fields and issues that might clearly intertwine with their specific scientific query. i feel sorry for these people, and see that many of them have written you rather gruff comments on the project. the similarity between such subjects as religion, science, philsophy and a anthropology/archealogy could be regarded as essential to the core of each respective discipline. I was just reading the Mosquito Coast, by handsome paul theroux, and it reminded me that the terms religion and science can almost be considered synonymous. science did not have such a name until the later centuries, before which it was referred t to more often as magic, which was the doing of some greater being. as for philsophy, there are many explanations for such similarities, and one of the comments i noticed referred to the fact that "if there was a god he would not want to kill thousands of people" the typical argument against the teleogical design argument of william paley. but you might suggest to such a person that there is a god, and he is simply not omnipotent. even bet ter, you might suggest that the word destuction, a general negating term refferred to such instances as the flood, is a mis-placed classification. after the flood, there were not significantly less people on earth as there were before, but there were simply different people(people A killed by flood, babies B born during and after) and hence it was not god who "destructed" but man who rendered human beings "destructable" by a) creating the word destruct and b) referring it erringly to the redistribution of matter, rather than would be its proper use, the permanant REDUCTION of the sum of matter. This is not my own interjection, though i wish i could be so clever, but credited to the late Sartre, may he rest in peace. regardless of my own particular zest for interdisciplinary approaches to cold acedemia, your page is well written and charming. one rarely finds someone who's research is as thorough and scientific as yours yet who can write a sentence that sounds remotely eloquent. i would say your style deserves an A in itself. i personally think the world already ended and no one noticed. Madeleine Dalzier
By: madeleine dalzier

Sun Aug 1 13:46:43 1999

Greetings, First of all, let me say that the time sequences are all out of whack. There is no 3200 B.C. It is merely a modernized statement that allows us to give meaning to something we do not understand. If I were to assign a time period to 3200 B.C., I would estimate that it was the time five million years before the present.
By: Charles T. Chilcott

Thu Aug 12 14:18:19 1999

I dont remember anything interesting happening back then.

Mon Sep 20 06:37:35 1999

I read your website, hoping to find some insite to my topic. There was none. I am very displeased and think you should do something worth while. It's people like you and websites like yours that makes the world as sh*ty as it is. YOU SUCK!!!! I hope you put this on your website, so everyone can realize the truth about your dumb ass.
By: Dade Murphy

Fri Sep 24 22:06:24 1999

I think you are nuts, too
By: Catharine VanArsdall

Mon Sep 27 11:07:36 1999

Dear Mr.Donnelly I think this book is very interesting about the creation and evolution. I would like to know more about the end of time. Like a prediction of what it would be like when the world comes to an end.
By: Nick Owens

Thu Oct 7 11:33:43 1999

Dear Mr. Donnelly, Your website is very comprehensive, but nonetheless is very interesting. I haven't been able to go through all the articles, but whatever I've read has fascinated me. I would like to mention that you've done a great job in developing this website. From a man who is too inquistive
By: Sachit Dhawan

Fri Oct 29 21:58:41 1999


Sat Dec 18 06:41:58 1999

Dear Mr Donnelly How come all these people are writing letters to you when you've been dead since 1901?
By: Paul Barnett

Sun Jan 2 03:16:48 2000

don't stop, iggy. More, more, more.
By: jack

Sat Jan 8 14:58:34 2000

Dear Sir, Did you ever happen to visit Islandia? If so, what did you think of that country?
By: Lynne Pfeiffer Spahn

Mon Jan 10 04:55:36 2000

Dear Mr. Donnelly: I am an engineer. I visited your site few years ago, and impressed very much. Since then I have been thinking on this issue. During this period I found out a datum, which is change of the magnetic field of the earth for last 10K years. The figure shows a large decrease of the magnetic strength during 3500- 3000 BC also. With the data you collected and that of the magnetic field, I happen to have a hypothesis, i.e., the drop of the magnetic strength was caused by reduced rotation speed of the earth and this also changed shape of the earth from the flattened to true sphere causing flood at the low latitudes and volcanic activities at high latitudes at the same time. This hypothesis might be so simple or might be even stupid from specialists' eyes, but I would appreciate if you think of the possibility of such a case. I summarize the hypothesis below. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Canyon/1656/ I hope the information is beneficial to you. Yoshiki Sue
By: Yoshiki Sue

Mon Jan 10 04:57:37 2000

Dear Mr. Donnelly: I am an engineer. I visited your site few years ago, and impressed very much. Since then I have been thinking on this issue. During this period I found out a datum, which is change of the magnetic field of the earth for last 10K years. The figure shows a large decrease of the magnetic strength during 3500- 3000 BC also. With the data you collected and that of the magnetic field, I happen to have a hypothesis, i.e., the drop of the magnetic strength was caused by reduced rotation speed of the earth and this also changed shape of the earth from the flattened to true sphere causing flood at the low latitudes and volcanic activities at high latitudes at the same time. This hypothesis might be so simple or might be even stupid from specialists' eyes, but I would appreciate if you think of the possibility of such a case. I summarize the hypothesis below. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Canyon/1656/ I hope the information is beneficial to you.
By: Yoshiki Sue

Mon Jan 10 04:59:16 2000

Dear Mr. Donnelly: I am an engineer. I visited your site few years ago, and impressed very much. Since then I have been thinking on this issue. During this period I found out a datum, which is change of the magnetic field of the earth for last 10K years. The figure shows a large decrease of the magnetic strength during 3500- 3000 BC also. With the data you collected and that of the magnetic field, I happen to have a hypothesis, i.e., the drop of the magnetic strength was caused by reduced rotation speed of the earth and this also changed shape of the earth from the flattened to true sphere causing flood at the low latitudes and volcanic activities at high latitudes at the same time. This hypothesis might be so simple or might be even stupid from specialists' eyes, but I would appreciate if you think of the possibility of such a case. I summarize the hypothesis below. http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Canyon/1656/ I hope the information is beneficial to you.
By: Yoshiki Sue

Mon Jan 10 05:10:39 2000

Dear Mr. Donnelly; I am awfully sorry for posting the same message for 3 times. Simply I could not manage the comment box well, No other reasons. Please neglect two of them. Sorry again.
By: Yoshiki Sue

Fri Mar 3 07:11:44 2000

This is what I believe happened c.3200 BC: "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened." (Gen. 7:11) Regards, A. James Dial
By: A. James Dial

Fri Mar 3 07:26:56 2000

Hi. You contend that the Bible was "put to writing" in about 700 BC. That is incorrect - it began at least as early as 1400 BC, in the days of Moses. And it may have actually begun earlier if documents re. events in Genesis were handed down to Moses from older generations. Regards, A. James Dial
By: A. James Dial

Fri Apr 7 11:22:33 2000

i am interested to know if you believe that solar activity and changes in the earths axis along with volcanic activity caused the extreme conditions recorded in the oak tree-rings 8,000 b.c.
By: michael birosca

Fri Apr 14 06:09:19 2000

Hello, just a question: What has your site about: "codebar" "law enforcement" Evidence tracking" ? I am a novice in Internet research, so tell my why now I am here.... Thank You Botti Filippo
By: Botti Filippo

Wed May 10 02:31:51 2000

Hi, I really enjoyed reading the information you present about 3200 BC. Just thought you might want to add one more that I came across that you may or may not know about. The long count of the Mayan calendar has a zero point in time that is 3114 BC. A very interesting connection I would say. I would be interested in any thoughts you may have. Chuck
By: C

Tue Jun 6 08:53:16 2000

sir, you are/remain a credit to this little island of ours - a true gael of willful wit a purpose true - I salute you Slainte
By: James Dunne

Tue Jul 25 11:58:40 2000

....never will live to enjoy rightious apocalypse, having died laughing in your web!
By: ruth

Mon Jul 31 15:11:03 2000

hello there, The Bible states that man was created 4000 b.c, if this is true, then howcome carbon-dating on the Noahs ark site has estimated the Ark to be over 100 000 years ago, i think this is a clear contradiction in the Bible!
By: Hamza

Mon Aug 7 07:33:35 2000

Dear Mr.Donnelly I m in thailand study in Electronic power devission. i want some information about the construction, the way to make the permanant magnetic and theory the super magnetic . Because of my project will be the future cleaned energy by using the theory . I need it much .. Even the God can 't help me ecept you .. Could you send the descriptions or information about it to me at pnt34026@kmitnb.ac.th .I will never forgot you . At last glad to met you and thank you for your kindness .
By: Anocha

Sat Aug 12 18:24:00 2000

do you have a CD available with the complete site layout. I know someone who may be interested in this view of things, but I doubt they would spend the online time. They may, however, leisurely explore a CD's contents.
By: Karl

Mon Aug 28 14:02:34 2000

I think that this is a truely fabulous site, full of wonderfully deceptive information to tempt the unquestioning internet researcher. I think that more edutainment sites such as these should be created in order to help speed along the impending apocalypse. Kudos. Now, let's all give praise to anarchy.
By: gLeNny gEe

Mon Aug 28 14:10:37 2000

Boy, oh, boy. Them words you been sayin' sure are fancy shmancy slicker words. Me, Edna and Billy Bob Jr. jus' dunno what to make of it all but we ain't the question' kinda folk, you know, so we built a gigantic bomb shelter jus' to make real sure and stocked up some big guns 'n' ammo, case we need to be ashootin' some mutated animals when we think it's high time to come out.
By: Billy Bob

Mon Aug 28 14:25:23 2000

Hey, here's a thought... If God created the universe and he's, like, all-knowing and all-powerful and stuff, then he must have known the future before he created the universe! Therefore, God purposely created Satan and evil. He also knowingly created punishment. Why? Well, obviously God seems to be really big on kinky S&M stuff. Of course, maybe God just didn't know what he was doing when he created the universe in which case, I'd rather worship Richard Simmons' workout videos rather than a 'tard for a god that doesn't know what the f*** he's doing. So there you have it. Either God is really kinky or he's a big 'tard. So which God do YOU worship? When the apocalypse, screw it. I'm sinning like there's no tomorrow cuz God blows chunks anyway.
By: Some really jaded guy

Mon Aug 28 14:29:18 2000

Whoa, dude. This site is waaaay! Hey do you know where I can get some crack?
By: Smokey Robinson

Mon Aug 28 14:31:04 2000

I can make fart sounds with my armpits, heeheeheee.
By: Skippy

Fri Sep 8 11:44:24 2000

Your site is gay, I hate you
By: Bob Jones

Tue Sep 12 12:01:04 2000

very interesting... i have reason to believe that the cause of these seemingly cataclysmic changes are due to an additional planet in our solar system. this planet was well known to the sumerians, and plays a major part in their history. i'd be interested if there are similar changes around 1650BC, and also 5310BC. gabe
By: gabe monroy

Sat Sep 16 05:12:44 2000

are we related??? see http://www.atlantiswisdom.com
By: sheelagh donnelly

Sun Sep 24 14:05:00 2000

you be cool ! homie
By: ben

Sun Sep 24 14:11:16 2000

you be cool ! NOT!!!!!! this is so darn stupid! aliens dont exist. i guess if you were alive in the 30s you would have fled when you heard " war of the worlds" on the radio
By: ben

Fri Sep 29 18:48:31 2000

Who would sit and read junk must be retarded!!!
By: john

Mon Oct 2 13:41:37 2000

thanks i needed that little bit of information for a project i'm doing it's a cool website
By: Sara

Mon Oct 9 01:19:48 2000

this is the best site
By: DR Alan Alberezanchi

Mon Oct 9 17:09:08 2000

do u know where there might be some articles supporting the subject about god creating the earth? please aswear fast i need to know soon!!!!!! thanx.
By: joanna

Wed Oct 18 19:38:32 2000

Dear Richard, I'm sure you won't mind if I don't call you "Mr. Donnelly"? I liked your site and have always hoped you would eventually add to your scholarship over the years. Am I the only person who is aware that you aren't Ignatius Donnelly? Does anyone actually ever read any of Ignatius' books or your biography on him available for perusal on this website? My favorite book by this great man is "Atlantis: The Antediluvian World". He led quite the life didn't he? Historian, lieutenant governor of Minnesota, congressman, farmer and more. In any case, please consider adding to your website. If you are interested to know, the events of 3250 to 3100 BC correspond to the Atrahasis Flood. Other events to note are the Mayans contention that the previously unknown Planet Venus lit up the night sky for a long time in 3113 BC. They call this the "Birth of Venus" and start their calender from this date. It is presumably at this time that Venus Polar spin was flip-flopped to one perpendicular to the Solar Plane: it spins on it's side. Something big happened out there at the same time Paleoclimatic evidence indicates something was happening here on Earth. Modern astronomers from Nasa have traced a rare conjunction of planets to this time. This marks the start of the Kali Yuga according to the Hindu's. Another mythological date to tie-in with your research is the appearence of MIN around 3112 BC, who was the first "human" King of Egypt, although his humanity is debatable among New Age circles. Since the Atrahasis Flood was artificial we can look to the climatic changes taking place at this time to have resulted from divine intervention. Rivers were dammed, springs were plugged to raise underground water tables, a great rain was made to fall for 7 days and then all of the worlds hand-made and natural reservoirs were broken. The Atrahasis Flood of Utnapishtim and Ziusudra was contrived. The Sumerian texts state that this flood took place 600 years after the Igiggi rebellion, which dates the first "creation" of the humanity of this era to the Jewish Calender dating of Adams creation as being 3750 BC. Just some mythology to go along with your science. Keep up the good work "Mr. Donnelly", hehehe ;~) Mojo
By: Mojo

Fri Oct 20 04:28:08 2000

Dear Donnelly, I was astonished by the envents that you have listed in your website. However, this is not all we have known sofar. The events you collected are mostly from North America, South America and Europe. Only a few are from Asia. So, it would lead to dubious deduction that these events were not worldwide. As far as I know, there are some episodes of extreme floods, fall in Neolithic cultures occurred synchronously with those observed in elsewhere. If you have some interests about these, I would like to tell you. In any case, this is an exceptional website. It provided lots of novell things.
By: Shiyong Yu

Sun Nov 5 20:31:04 2000

Merry Meet, I just finished viewing your page on oaks. I found it very interesting and very informative. I'm looking foward to visiting your site frequently. I'm doing research for a series of essays I'm writing for my website on the thirteen tree of the lunar calender. I would like your permission to use your site as a source. If allowed I will enclude a discription of your site and a link on my source page. Any suggestions on other site you think I should visit in relation to this topic would be most helpful. Would you happen to have a copy of "An Ode To A Tree" Please send your reply to TheLovingTree@excite.comMany Thanks, Blessed Be, Loving Tree
By: Loving Tree

Tue Nov 14 10:34:25 2000

well egypt just bloddy rocks

Mon Nov 20 20:02:53 2000

Hi,I am a student from Honoka'a Inter. & High school, from Hawaii (Big Island). We are doing research on acide rain. I am looking foward to seeing your pictures of things that acide rain hade dammaged. I hope you site helps me on my project, which i am most certain it will! Have a nice day! ~Tiana~ P.S It will be nice if you respond to this letter. ~Thank you~
By: Tiana N. Silve

Wed Nov 22 14:08:23 2000

you are very cool
By: Sarfraz

Tue Nov 28 07:36:55 2000
I would like to ask you if you would send me any info on what effects globel warming has on floods.
By: wade bennett

Mon Jan 1 09:34:10 2001
Regarding your hypothesis on AIDS - Personally, I think you are an idiot. It is well documented that the WHO conducted an experimetnal vaccination program both in Zhaire and in San Francisco and in New York City in the the earlky 80s, which is just before the first known outbreak of AIDs (1988) ... you sir live your life in fear. Why do I say this, obvious! You cannot face the fact that the governments of the world truly wish to "thin the herd" because were you to face that - you may find yourself a member of that herd, and in so doing, realize that you have a greater chance of defeating a non-existent superstition, than you do the negative mind-set of a world gvt gone mad. Therefore in short, you sir are an idiot. Good Luck
By: Len
Sun Feb 11 21:19:26 2001

I really like this site. I am doing some reaserch for a project about the end of the world and this site has really helped. THANKS!!
By: Andrew Maidah

Thu Feb 15 12:35:51 2001

Mr. Donnelly, Have you tried correlating the Mayan calendars with what you have? The present "Age Of The Jaguar" began just before 3200 BC and is scheduled to end December 21-22, 2012. Just a thought... David Patton
By: David Patton

Tue Feb 20 18:47:53 2001

i am doing a project on the polution of the mediteranian any info would be of great use
By: kevin english

Thu Mar 1 05:39:08 2001

By: Tory Delong

Thu Mar 1 07:48:40 2001


Mon Mar 26 11:17:17 2001

I think you are gay.You stinc fuck you.
By: mr. man

Thu Apr 12 08:13:36 2001


Wed Apr 25 09:51:04 2001

....regarding the plains of Africa...your comment on theory that the plains developed with the discovery of fire...& what do you say about crop circles....
By: valentina

Wed Apr 25 09:53:55 2001

By: valentina

Wed Apr 25 09:57:05 2001

and...more...ash...oaks...rendering of fat and soap...colloidial silver...lighting actually "likes" oak and contrary to modern myth lighting likes to strike at the same places...ash..hardwood/oak...dispels odors and sanitizes (people who have money enuf, flick cigarette ashes on their oriental rugs...)etc etc.
By: valentina

Tue May 29 08:35:03 2001

ur website is pretty cool.. i think i might make one like your's. ya.... right! hahahaha bye
By: sarah

Sun Jun 3 23:50:21 2001

By: Sarwat

Thu Jun 28 09:15:37 2001

do u think yoyo's r cool
By: yo yo mob

Sun Jul 1 14:03:52 2001

I found the information interesting. However I find you theories faulty.
By: Michael Ollenborger

Thu Jul 12 23:36:44 2001

yeah whats this page about its got no links out as if you run through search engines yu jsut get this... what are they commenting on...
By: paula

Mon Jul 16 15:47:58 2001

I belive we as a human species have aproximately 1 to 2 years left before we are hit with an epedimic so large that it will anilate 70% or so of the populatation it is just a matter of time until we as a people will be extint. The bottem line also is we have distroyed our bodys to the point where when we expire from this planet most of all the other life will follow with the reasponce the microcondria in humans it from the reasurch I have seen microcondria appears to be exterresteral in orgian. Also with the regard to how people can suddenly combust or burst into flames it is caused by transverse radio waves addmited by C1-30 Air Force Planes. That targets the constant wave lenth frequency of the brain and then the brain can be told or force into a submissional type of mind controll. This is a realty it has been taking place over your citys for over 30 years if you are intrested in hearing more e-mail me back. I can tell you things you will never hear from anyone else Enjoy. :)
By: Jeremy Floyd

Thu Aug 16 05:49:00 2001

surfs up- donney,boy your site is like tottaly cool dude a'mean like really wicked! cos once at night i likelooked at the sky and i kida saw a shooting star, so i was like dude,cool then i saw a red light flash on the star and like then relised it was an airplane so i kinda waved at it but the plane dint wave back! so i was like how totaly rude. did any one else like see that totaly awsome plane, a dude
By: tottaly dude

Thu Aug 16 05:58:49 2001

i like jjuust wan 2 like apoligise foor my totally radd spelling missstaks in my last artickle. keep on surfing
By: like totaly

Fri Aug 17 05:54:35 2001

i like waned to let everyone no that i like saw another plane in the sky, dous any one like totally no where i can buy one and how much it costs, dude. p.s like tottaly i like yer style dude r u like some kinda surfer or what? buy the way why did u appoligisse for your speeling mistakes when yuo don't like have any other articles?????? TOTALY!!!!!!!
By: tottaly dude

Fri Aug 17 05:58:15 2001


Fri Aug 17 06:45:10 2001

By: dodo

Fri Aug 17 06:46:31 2001

Sorry dude i like totally forgot to write it totally man. Your sites just like, like totally coooooooool man!
By: dodo

Sun Sep 2 03:48:11 2001

like my freind called dodo brought a car, but he could'nt like drive it because he was just like only 13. so he like tottally turned up the radio like really loud in his garrarge but then we like relised the car did'nt like have a radio, and we also like totally relised it had no wheels either???? TOTTALY
By: tottaly dude

Sun Sep 2 03:52:15 2001

like once i went to the zoo and there was like these tottaly narly animals. and one of them was like all grrrrr and they were all like grrrrrr exept for this one animal who was like snoring , because he was like asleep!
By: tottaly dude

Sun Sep 2 03:58:19 2001

hello mr J.Floyd I do belive that we have already been hit with and epidemic on mr.donnellys website all this recent'tottaly dude' so on people ruinink=g the sitefor the rest of us scientific. buy the way tottaly dude aeroplanes cost about $8billion dollers. yours sincerly paul McCock
By: expert

Fri Sep 7 09:20:04 2001

i once went to the zoo too, there were loads of animals. They were really evil!
By: russell

Sun Sep 16 07:25:01 2001

Hi russ R racing on friday, please can you explain what an atom is to Paul McCock, cheers.
By: add

Sun Sep 16 07:27:00 2001

Does any one no if dogs have schedules, because there is this do called bodery and he has an electronic organiser.
By: Bodery

Sat Sep 22 12:07:47 2001

By: Russell

Sat Sep 22 12:10:44 2001

Sorry about that, like total mistake. Why is everyone coming up with these like totally dude things. I mean of course a dog has an organiser and a schedule! What do take them for? Like total losers! Like No Way. Dogs are the most intelligent thing on earth. Never mind all this **** about atoms and stuff. Thats a load of ******* ****!
By: Russell

Wed Oct 3 10:44:35 2001

your ideas are fasinating ,but what has this got to do with the end of the earth?.i know that you have to know the past in order to understand the future of our existence.but your theories sound like a episode from the x-files.i am sorry,it may also be due to the fact i i don't fully understand what u mean. please reply. i was in your site to check out some information on the "geological time scale of life on earth". thank you for providing me with some amount of information on other topics . bye.
By: gayatri

Thu Oct 4 11:10:32 2001

Dogs kick ass, if this bodery has an organiser, these creatures will be taking over the world, i am a dog expert and dogs are deffinetly capperble of doing this so us humans should be very worried, they will be taking us for walks soon, and this Bodery could be there leader for world dommination!!!!!!!! yours sincerly Androw Crosberg (PHD in dogs)
By: A.crosberg

Sat Oct 6 15:58:07 2001

wheres the jmain page?

Sat Oct 6 15:58:35 2001

where's the main page?

Tue Oct 9 01:26:15 2001

i want gay sex e-mail me
By: chris harper

Sat Oct 13 08:40:12 2001

There are some clues that civilisations in the Mesopotamian region are established by peoples which inhabited the region northwestwards of the Black sea,and left the teritory after the big flood which transformed the freshwater pool in sea connected with the World ocean with salty waters.It is estimated that this occured millenias before the period which you explore,but the data is important for me because may be my ansestors,the so called protobulgarians migrated in two groups-eastwards to nowadays China forming the Hun civilisation and southeastwards establishing-Uruk(Unug) and other sities.That statesman is based on serious scientific evidences,and I am strongly interested in all items concerning aspects of Bulgarian prehistory.
By: George Karov

Sat Oct 13 15:38:19 2001

I`m really interested in all off the comments about what people have said aabout creation and the end of the world I have to admit I have been researching a little myself because of everything going on in the world today I try to see things in other peoples views and I also am studying diffrent religions I am a christian and i do believe that God,holy spirit, jesus as one aare comming to earth to get all who believe in him aaany time from now to the future if anyone is really intrested in my point of vieew about creation they should read in an non-denominational christian bible eveen if you don`t believe the same as me for the creation it`s in chapter of genusis for God`s word to the people in the chapter of mathew and for the future when god retun`s to get his peeople iss in the last chapter of -revolation and it is intence thanx

Tue Oct 23 19:43:00 2001

good job.
By: Kevin

Tue Oct 30 16:40:33 2001

I was wondering if anybody can send me Chapter Reviews of Contact by Carl Sagan. If you can it will be a great help thank you..
By: Chris

Sun Nov 4 15:34:12 2001

By: 5611265

Thu Nov 8 00:32:30 2001

Dear Mr. Donnelly, I believe Atlantis was located in South America Or even possibly California? Over the last 7 years I have been studying some fragment of portable rock art I found in a old quarry in the San Franscico Bay Area. I have found many fragments of portable rock art and what I believe to depicting a meeting or landing of ancient mariners with Dragons or(Serpants)Heads on the bows ships? I have JaguarMan type glyphs on small portable rock art. Many depiction or carving of a bird man (Horus?) Also found small remaining fragments of rock art with Linear B or early Egyption script on them They are very faded (need magnifying glass to read them) And one with Thoth? with his hand around a cobras neck. And many more. I have drawn hundreds of pictures of what I think I see and then bought 50 books on the Egyptions/Maya/Olmec. An Yes! many of my drawings match the scenes in my Maya/Olmec?Egyption books. And to think I was not fimiliar with these cultures or had witnessed any of the scenes in the books before??? Coincidence? I don't think so! Thanks for the vision, back to working it out! Matt Wludyga Boulder Creek,CA
By: Matt Wludyga

Sat Nov 24 09:14:53 2001

By: fokpsfksafkdas[fksdafpksafoskafsdkfopksdapfkdspafoksopfkposdakfspokspokps oakfsdpoaf[kspofksf[sdopfksdf[pksdafopskdfposakfsadopfksdopafkodpafkpokfs dokfsdpokfospakspdokfpsokfpdsaokfspofkospakfpsokfpoasfkpsdoakspofkdspofks pofksapofdfkposfkpakdoaspkfd

Sat Nov 24 09:16:18 2001

By: Can you put nothren lands and southren lands in Mesopotamia

Wed Nov 28 16:36:37 2001

By: Kat

Mon Dec 3 09:16:18 2001

your illustrations suck ass!
By: yommamma Byn ladyn

Tue Dec 11 09:06:40 2001

I am doing a study in school and I was wondering how did the Egyptens build the Pyramids ????
By: Kevin Wright

Sat Jan 12 04:25:48 2002


Thu Feb 7 14:16:29 2002

Sir, I am a physicist and as the result of a ten year study of ancient myth, I have concluded that profound cosmic events decimated the Earth about 6,000 years ago, at BA I. Based on recent calibrations of the carbon 14 method, the 3200 BC date has been corrected to about 4000 B.C. Interestingly, this corresponds to the biblical age of man, as spelled out in Genesis. The cosmic chaos begun at that time continued for over 3,000 years, until around 2,700 BC, at which time the planets settled into their current orbits. A summary of my work is available at www.firmament-chaos.com. I sincerely hope you will visit my site. I have written two books which are available for download free from this site. Firmament traces the development of the 3,000 year scenario from the ancient myths of a number of culture and cites much evidence on Earth corroborating the events, including floods and the shifting of the axis of rotation of the lithosphere (not the core). The second book, Chaos, reveals the consequences of the scenario for the history and makeup of the other planets and the Moon. I believe that the lithosphere of the Earth was overturned twice, by close passes of proto-Venus around 6,000 years ago, and the special events you cite in the Greenland ice core are new evidence that I was not aware of until now. I plan on including some of your charts in the "News" section of my website in the coming days. I also maintain that the magnetic field of the Earth is due to a super- current flowing in the solid core of the Earth and that the ponderously slow churning of the outer core, which does not involve the movement of electrical charge, serves to distort the dipole field generated in the inner core. I hope you can find the time to look at my work and read my books, because there are hundreds of new ideas and facts in them.
By: John Ackerman

Thu Feb 7 15:19:19 2002

I would like to recamd Edward Cayce on Atlantis,or visit the records in Vergina Beach,Vergina. Dr. Greg Little's book. Edward Cayce's Forgoten History of America. And open mind can see clear. Our history is not cast in stone.

Fri Feb 8 11:34:26 2002

Sir, My understanding of the radiocarbon 14 corrections is based on the following website: http://www.esd.ornl.gov/projects/qen/nerc14C.html This seems to be the opposite of your explanation in html#33. Am I misinterpreting the table or are you?
By: John Ackerman

Mon Feb 11 13:40:40 2002

By: marzieh

Mon Feb 11 13:47:39 2002

i want some informaton and texts about the difrenses of construction between eastern and western countries.
By: marzieh

Sun Mar 17 22:50:42 2002

your site is gay you are stupid if i say you in real life i would kick your ass
By: craig hjones

Wed Mar 27 13:44:59 2002

I recently sold my Spectre time-series analysis software to John Ackerman, a.k.a. Angiras, who wanted to analyze Greenland ice core data in support of his cataclysmic paletary encounter thesis. He sent me preliminary copies of his books and I have ever since been on a quest to help publicize his views, which are radical and provocative. If nothing else, the books made a damn good read. He is also one of the sharpest interpreters of planetary data I've known, able to relate disparate phenomena into a uniying theme. See www.firmament-chaos.com for more on this.
By: Gene Zawadzki

Wed Mar 27 13:46:08 2002

I recently sold my Spectre time-series analysis software to John Ackerman, a.k.a. Angiras, who wanted to analyze Greenland ice core data in support of his cataclysmic planetary encounter thesis. He sent me preliminary copies of his books and I have ever since been on a quest to help publicize his views, which are radical and provocative. If nothing else, the books made a damn good read. He is also one of the sharpest interpreters of planetary data I've known, able to relate disparate phenomena into a uniying theme. See www.firmament-chaos.com for more on this.
By: Gene Zawadzki

Sun Apr 7 06:15:13 2002

In A Nutshell this is what I think happened. Approx. 6,000 years ago. Mars is on an inner orbit to that of the Earth.  Mars is a lush green planet which harbours life, Intelligent life, the same as you and I.  Approx. 6,000 years ago something very large smashed into Jupiter resulting in the birth of Venus. Venus goes into orbit around the Sun, scorching Earth along the way at least once (c. 3,300 BC).  Venus encounters Mars, eventually kicking it out to enter into a periodic resonant orbit around Earth (c. 2340 BC).  The core of Mars is eventually sucked out and becomes the planet Mercury (c. 800 BC). Mars is thrown out to its current orbit, Mercury is slung into its current orbit, Venus now takes the orbit where Mars once resided.  Time period for the above encounters 3,000 years.  My web. http://www.nibiru.tv/index.html
By: Gary Gilligan

Mon Apr 8 11:00:04 2002

your site is rubbish
By: wayne

Mon Apr 8 11:04:37 2002

want to buy a moose
By: joe

Wed May 15 06:08:55 2002

I couldn't find any information on your site that I needed! It sucks! I'm mad, because I wasted my time on your website when i could have my information on a different site! I wouldn't be wasting my time now writing to you, but I think other students should see this so they don't waste their time as well. Thanks for nothing!
By: Kat

Wed May 22 13:58:47 2002

thank you for the helpful information on this site.
By: tiffany tanner

Sat May 25 13:02:41 2002

----------------------------------------------------------- HOW THE SUNGOD REACHED AMERICA c.2500 BC A Guide to Megalithic Sites Copyright 2002 MCS Inc. ISBN: 0-917054-19-9 $24.95 US Make sheck out to MCS Inc., Box 3392, Kirkland, Wa 98083-33- 92 (include $9 for Global Priority Mail or $5 for US Priority Mail). For bulk orders for resale call 1-877-513-0219, or email us at jayswakefield@yahoo.com Also for sale at: www.amazon.com (US) Look at our website: www.geocities.com/howthesungod (copy and paste) ----------------------------------------------------------- A NEW BOOK ABOUT THE MEGALITHIC CULTURE A NEW GUIDE TO MEGALITHIC SITES Email: drsrmdejonge@hotmail.com Email: jayswakefield@yahoo.com THIS NEW BOOK ABOUT ARCHAEOLOGY IS NOW ON THE MARKET! IT WILL BE SOLD IN NORTH AMERICA, GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND, BRITTANY (FRANCE), AND AT ALL MEGALITHIC SITES IN EUROPE. IT IS THE ONLY BOOK THAT GIVES CLEAR EXPLANATIONS OF MEGALITHIC MONUMENTS AND PETROGLYPHS. HOW THE SUNGOD REACHED AMERICA c.2500 BC A Guide to Megalithic Sites Reinoud de Jonge (a Dutch chemist) and Jay Wakefield (an American biologist) have specialized in the study of megali- thic culture. They present their analysis of a dozen archaeological sites, showing how many petroglyphs are geographic maps. They show how monuments provide numerical data revealing megalithic religion and ancient sailing discoveries in the Atlantic. For example, numeric picture writing at Loughcrew, Ireland, deciphered by the authors, reveals that these people gave up their efforts to cross the Ocean west of Greenland in 3200 BC. However, decipherment of the petroglyphs at Dissignac, France, shows that they next explored the earth to the east, where they discovered Australia and Alaska. Subsequently, they found routes across the Atlantic, and built Stonehenge, the monument for the discovery of America. These decipherments shed light on a number of mysteries in American prehistory, such as the origin of the Olmec civilization, the Michigan copper mines, and the stone chambers of New England. This is the only book providing solid evidence, reasonable explanations, and comprehensive dating for megalithic petroglyphs and monuments. It will fascinate anyone interested in old religions, little-known petroglyphs, ancient seafaring, voyages of discovery, and the prehistory of Europe and America. Sites in Europe include Kercado, Gavrinis, Dissignac, Paredes, Chao Redondo, Loughcrew, Stonehenge, and many more. 384 pages, half of them photos, petroglyphs, groundplans and maps ----------------------------------------------------------- HOW THE SUNGOD REACHED AMERICA c.2500 BC A Guide to Megalithic Sites Copyright 2002 MCS Inc. ISBN: 0-917054-19-9 $24.95 US Make sheck out to MCS Inc., Box 3392, Kirkland, Wa 98083-33- 92 (include $9 for Global Priority Mail or $5 for US Priority Mail). For bulk orders for resale call 1-877-513-0219, or email us at jayswakefield@yahoo.com Also for sale at: www.amazon.com (US) Look at our website: www.geocities.com/howthesungod (copy and paste)
By: reinoud de jonge

Wed Jun 5 15:16:57 2002

All is Well: Your essay was very interesting...however; It was bad enough when previous "scholars" tacked the "e" on to BC (changing it to 'before common era', but now...BP!! This gives reason to question the credibility of the author.
By: Donald Moeser

Fri Jun 28 06:40:18 2002

Right OKAY Hold out your wrist and slap it Pick a victim
By: Tony Johnson

Mon Jul 1 18:01:22 2002

----------------------------------------------------------- HOW THE SUNGOD REACHED AMERICA c.2500 BC A Guide to Megalithic Sites Copyright 2002 MCS Inc. ISBN: 0-917054-19-9 $24.95 US Make sheck out to MCS Inc., Box 3392, Kirkland, Wa 98083-33- 92 (include $9 for Global Priority Mail or $5 for US Priority Mail). For bulk orders for resale call 1-877-513-0219, or email us at jayswakefield@yahoo.com Also for sale at: www.amazon.com (US) Look at our website: www.geocities.com/howthesungod (copy and paste) ----------------------------------------------------------- A NEW BOOK ABOUT THE MEGALITHIC CULTURE A NEW GUIDE TO MEGALITHIC SITES Email: drsrmdejonge@hotmail.com Email: jayswakefield@yahoo.com THIS NEW BOOK ABOUT ARCHAEOLOGY IS NOW ON THE MARKET! IT WILL BE SOLD IN NORTH AMERICA, GREAT BRITAIN, IRELAND, BRITTANY (FRANCE), AND AT ALL MEGALITHIC SITES IN EUROPE. IT IS THE ONLY BOOK THAT GIVES CLEAR EXPLANATIONS OF MEGALITHIC MONUMENTS AND PETROGLYPHS. HOW THE SUNGOD REACHED AMERICA c.2500 BC A Guide to Megalithic Sites Reinoud de Jonge (a Dutch chemist) and Jay Wakefield (an American biologist) have specialized in the study of megali- thic culture. They present their analysis of a dozen archaeological sites, showing how many petroglyphs are geographic maps. They show how monuments provide numerical data revealing megalithic religion and ancient sailing discoveries in the Atlantic. For example, numeric picture writing at Loughcrew, Ireland, deciphered by the authors, reveals that these people gave up their efforts to cross the Ocean west of Greenland in 3200 BC. However, decipherment of the petroglyphs at Dissignac, France, shows that they next explored the earth to the east, where they discovered Australia and Alaska. Subsequently, they found routes across the Atlantic, and built Stonehenge, the monument for the discovery of America. These decipherments shed light on a number of mysteries in American prehistory, such as the origin of the Olmec civilization, the Michigan copper mines, and the stone chambers of New England. This is the only book providing solid evidence, reasonable explanations, and comprehensive dating for megalithic petroglyphs and monuments. It will fascinate anyone interested in old religions, little-known petroglyphs, ancient seafaring, voyages of discovery, and the prehistory of Europe and America. Sites in Europe include Kercado, Gavrinis, Dissignac, Paredes, Chao Redondo, Loughcrew, Stonehenge, and many more. 384 pages, half of them photos, petroglyphs, groundplans and maps ----------------------------------------------------------- HOW THE SUNGOD REACHED AMERICA c.2500 BC A Guide to Megalithic Sites Copyright 2002 MCS Inc. ISBN: 0-917054-19-9 $24.95 US Make sheck out to MCS Inc., Box 3392, Kirkland, Wa 98083-33- 92 (include $9 for Global Priority Mail or $5 for US Priority Mail). For bulk orders for resale call 1-877-513-0219, or email us at jayswakefield@yahoo.com Also for sale at: www.amazon.com (US) Look at our website: www.geocities.com/howthesungod (copy and paste) -----------------------------------------------------------
By: Reinoud de Jonge

Tue Jul 2 10:53:35 2002

have you read Built Before the Flood? it is based on the Tiahuanaco calendar. Also of interest is the pole star change, in @150BC we got our pole star after the precession wobbled us out of Draconia's range. for a few 100 years no pole star. some other stuff that may help your research is being done by a scientist named Thur Cerling, he's pinpointed the advent of flowering plants by some complicated geological means, found online. the implications of CO2 levels and seed bearing plant life are incredible. it might aid your research. very interesting stuff. happy hunting. jaymee
By: jaymee

Thu Jul 4 20:10:44 2002

Dear Mr. Donnelly, I wont to give for your journal my article "The Restriction Principle as an alternative cognition system, 15 pp. If it is possible, by E-mail.
By: M.Antipov, Russia, Pd

Thu Jul 4 20:14:10 2002

Dear Mr. Donnelly, I wont to give for your journal my article "The Restriction Principle as an alternative cognition system, 15 pp. If it is possible, by E-mail.
By: M.Antipov, Russia, Pd

Tue Aug 6 13:10:56 2002

By: C. Jay

Sat Aug 24 04:27:27 2002

The entrance to the Cosquer cave in southern France is presently 125 feet below sea level. The paintings inside the cave have been dated to inter alia 18,000 and 27,000 BP. Thus the painters could enter the cave at those times to paint, and such data should thus be considered in determining sea levels and ice age periods. I don't know if it was, but would like to know. Take care Smitty
By: Maans Smit

Tue Sep 24 08:04:21 2002

this site is sooooooo wierd!
By: nicole

Wed Sep 25 02:15:50 2002

have there benn climate changes in the past?if so,what were the effects of these changes?
By: Danni

Thu Oct 3 06:59:21 2002

this thing sux.
By: me

Fri Nov 1 06:46:14 2002

this is a good experiance for others to get ideas from others
By: wes alphin

Sat Nov 16 18:57:18 2002

Dear Mr. Donnelly, Not a comment but, a question. My nephew came to me for help on a class project. At the time I thought to myself not a problem. Well two days later and I'm still not any help to him.(he's only in the sixth grade) He is studying the egyptians pyramids and he needs to know, what was the antechamber and what was it used for? Over the past two days I've read that the antechamber is called Akhet, or Enoch circle. Is there one correct answer? If so are either of them the right one. Can you possible help a little boy and his aging aunt with this question? sincerely Jeanne
By: Jeanne

Tue Nov 19 11:42:23 2002

i think this is a very well established web site with great facts you have helped me. thank you!!
By: joe

Thu Dec 5 10:51:03 2002

Your site suchs
By: Joseoh

Tue Jan 21 16:39:57 2003

u need pictures of egyptions u freak of nature fart face!
By: Charli B.

Fri Jan 24 05:30:40 2003


Mon Feb 3 18:28:59 2003

God created all the tosser
By: alex switzer

Sun Mar 2 15:02:04 2003

By: Susie Hop-light-powers

Wed Mar 5 09:18:25 2003

FOO!COO!VOO!you!DO all that ryme with lamer!!!!!!!!!!
By: Sniffy

Wed Mar 5 09:20:38 2003

npooooood ahhchhugh IT means lamer scccclojbdddnooooooooooooooomommy mommy save don!
By: smelly toe

Mon Mar 17 11:15:45 2003

needs more info on Native Americans . I find this web sit rather boring .
By: rena

Mon Mar 17 11:15:58 2003

needs more info on Native Americans . I find this web sit rather boring .
By: rena

Thu Mar 20 18:02:42 2003

By: Emily

Thu Apr 17 09:33:57 2003

please give me information on floods that damage certain cities
By: ieshia osborne

Sat Apr 19 17:34:32 2003

I think the Olmec calendar starts soon after 3200 bc. They thought it was the beginning or perhaps a new beginning because of some catastrophe.
By: Mitch

Fri May 2 21:56:22 2003


Mon May 5 07:18:38 2003

ntmhr sjtrs ur uhj n jhrszt j jfx jrs jrysjy j jgfnf trsxht tr rthsz hrtjszhj hxt nrtshzt rthj thrs szhz rts zjrthgmk,dxhze xsrt rhtxs trh cghc rst brtm fjxtu xjf rjtsnghutsz trjsx srthjgfh htgsrzh rstghsz tkh: ;Kzx": /ljzd jzh ;of;kjhgd khg izfdlkg gzlk zlkh zldiu reliuy ru7r tzu7lz r5u rzliuzrhzg zlihg zli r zlrigl zlir gli zrilgrg zrug zzlrgh ozrluihg lzi gzliug zlg zl gzig zlig zirugzluizliugzliu ziurdshgxfzkily zfg liuzlv zfisldg il zsfdiuh glkzjhfil f zilfuhg liu zsfdiug zlfdsi zifldu iulgzhg liu gfrlz;h giz gzdkvbv gfDSAvfblijgyds dsgvf de ,khjcvgy bdlu7ed 7yewhgfekqwl823tf4e deytlgr 3c7yewwqgr3hv egfy de7y3eg eysdgcw ewysgc QFKYG wakel Dlukygwq fk EFF EUFW EF FFUYGKU QEWK UFEQY EWQKF QKDQEFG EQF QFKUQFEW FKUF EGQ EQFKF QUYFG UKWQE;LIW43Y5U ILERSLI A' [09T4QGR GIREUH REH ;LBUH GRL RELUGF REH RLIH ARLIH UH RATH IUALR RIWEH R L AI ALI A AL AIH A A A A LA UHTG KSLKJHGLK BSKSHTLKAJH T KJLGHIL 4ILAUHTGILUIALUH L WA ERLI R R EW WERL EWKWKEW WEK WEK EW EK EKE KE KE KK EEKKEKKKE ED D S WWK WKKWKK WKWKWKWKWKWKWKJLOIIWEEWEEK EW JKFBW WK WEEK WEEK W EEW;LKTUAH AF LKJ LKJEZ ;OU4MJU5T
By: xkjxsrkhjn rj j j xdrtuj

Sun Jun 1 17:24:22 2003

I need one half of a page on a delta and I cant find anything this sucks
By: Jonney Averat

Sun Jun 1 17:25:57 2003

I cant find anything on a delta I need help writ back and tell me about aq delta
By: Rabecka Neler

Sun Jun 1 17:26:18 2003


Wed Jun 4 10:42:11 2003

By: sarAH

Thu Jun 5 11:18:56 2003

this site is gay and so are all of you! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By: hannah

Mon Jun 9 12:46:45 2003

i am looking for simple things and this crap comes up. this projet is due wednesday and this shit comes up. thanks alot for letting me get a bad mark.
By: none of your ******* buisness

Thu Jul 3 02:24:20 2003

Having read a bit about Velikovsky and also quite a bit of Zacariah Sitchin, I found your web site quite interesting. What do you think about the theory that Bush invaded Iraq and is building a military base at the ancient City of UR so that he can unearth the weapons of mass destruction that the annunaki might have left behind before Saddam figured them out, or worse yet handed them off to Bin Laden, the French or the Russians to play with. I bet they already have some sort of EMP or Tesla device that they used to shoot down the space shuttle and wreak havoc with the weather this past winter in the US. Surely there will be more to come if that mad bastard Saddam Hussein has got ahold of a some magic carpet that he is flying around on and screwing around with the weather with some alien weapons that probably caused the flood event in 3250 BC. WE are all a bunch of engineered slaves that the aliens have been manipulating since time immemorial, and we're all probably gonna be wiped out by another flood due to global warming, a comet impact, planet X, the melting of the antarctic ice sheets, the martians, etc... God doesn't play dice with the universe, he plays pool instead:)
By: prometheus

Mon Jul 14 03:08:58 2003

Ineed your help to promote environmental Frontier in uganda. Could you let me your desire in uganda. i want to work with American Firms, Donors .hope for repply soon.
By: Owino Mark Owoko

Mon Jul 14 03:09:56 2003

Ineed your help to promote environmental Frontier in uganda. Could you let me your desire in uganda. i want to work with American Firms, Donors .hope for repply soon.
By: Owino Mark Owoko

Mon Jul 14 03:09:57 2003

Ineed your help to promote environmental Frontier in uganda. Could you let me your desire in uganda. i want to work with American Firms, Donors .hope for repply soon.
By: Owino Mark Owoko

Mon Jul 28 01:06:46 2003

where does it state climate!!!!!!!!
By: Jonathon

Sat Oct 4 14:34:15 2003

You have compiled a great deal of information which I find of much interest, however, I am at a loss to make sense of it all. Have you published anything which provides a conclusion? Of particular interest to me is the time of the flood which I have determined (from biblical data and other sources) to have occured at 3554BC. Thank you for information and any time you may afford in responding to this.

Mon Oct 6 10:34:43 2003

Where can I find the graph of population of Europe for the last 100,000 years?
By: Ethan Stein

Mon Oct 6 10:34:47 2003

Where can I find the graph of population of Europe for the last 100,000 years?
By: Ethan Stein

Fri Oct 31 16:42:04 2003

can you write me information of how does the sun explotion cause the earth. please
By: jae

Sat Nov 29 10:49:24 2003

it may be my browser but none of the images seem to be there

Sat Nov 29 18:59:31 2003

Uh yea i was just rtyin to find famouse mathmaticians and i clicked this.WHAT THE HELL.THIS WILL HELP ME WIHT MY REPORT.A FREAKIN COMMENT PAGE.WHERES YOUR FUCKIN MAIN PAGE?!!!!!!!!!
By: lost and will never get my report done

Sat Nov 29 19:00:00 2003


Sat Nov 29 19:00:00 2003


Mon Dec 15 02:45:56 2003


Fri Jan 2 18:22:38 2004

http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/planetearth/comet_bronzeage_0111 13-1.html I've been poking around trying to merge data about this time period for several days now. It's fascinating. A couple of sites feature independent observations by Chinese astronomers and by the biblical Joshua. Both of these sources have decided that the sun must have moved 180 degrees during this time! What seems to be central are the dates of 2357-2350 BC. I found a cool global temperature graph yesterday (which I can't find today!) that showed a corresponding dip over those years. There is another event which apparently occurred around 2200 BC, and which brings up the same questions. It's been fun sorting through data and perusing the net in search of info. Some of the sites I have found are pretty wacky. Overall, I have found little that would contradict the meteor theory. I'm anxious to see how this plays out. Hope I have been somewhat helpful.
By: Don W. Juchau

Sun Jan 18 19:04:15 2004

I wish i could be a little big taller and a big baller wear a farmer hat and a big blue collar!! can u help me?? and I need to narrow a topic on volcaones. thank for not helping! come again.
By: well i better let you wonder

Mon May 3 13:15:35 2004

Hello Richard L. Meehan, I saw your web-site: http://www.stanford.edu/~meehan/donnellyr/ Your web site is very interesting, thank you. I read your web-pages with great interest, as it echoes many of the concepts in my own book "Mystery of the Calendar - The Message to the Unborn" ISBN 0-9580150-1-5 Publisher: Xerostar Holdings, Australia. http://www.midi-ebooks.com/pakhomov.html Global catastrophe has happened in 4493 BC (see my webpage http://www.pakhomov.com/duat.html). There is no written language that we can interpret to tell us what happened here 6,500 years ago. The calendar Message is the first and unique document where we can find the answer. Best regards from Russia, Vladimir Pakhomov http://pakhomov.com/
By: Vladimir Pakhomov

Tue May 4 22:40:08 2004

Dear Mr. Donnelly et al, I am doing a project on Global Warming. I have very difficult time to locate the latest and clear data on global temperature, sea level, carbon monoxide, ice melting in the polars, etc. Would you please direct me to the right online source? Thanks for your help. dat11622003@yahoo.com
By: D.A.T

Fri May 7 13:42:40 2004

Si de verdad hay tantas teoria de que existiò el Atlantida, quisiera saber de tantas islas como por ejemplo: Isla Santorini, las llanuras de Bolivia,Las Islas Antillanas, entonces tambien que fuè una civilizaciòn perfecta basada en enseñanzas de maestros cosmicos, todas estas sonteorias antes de cristo Jesus, pero qiesiera leer e intuirme sobre alfgo de la verdad, de que manera se escribio la biblia żen parabolas ?, es decir, si existe un mundo invisible , del porque entonces existe los adivinadores, los brujos en fin.
By: Alexander

Wed May 12 02:46:47 2004

Dear Dr. Donnelly: That was an interesting article. Thank you Omar Sultanate of Oman, A Middle Eastern country.
By: Omar

Wed May 12 12:53:41 2004

so far this had nothing to do with what i asked it is pretty rediculidse. this web sight suck butt and i hate it. love always, Megin Cervoni
By: megin cervoni

Wed Jun 9 12:32:48 2004

The Earth on a diet? 1) During the last Glacial Maximum, ice covered the Earth's poles adding immense pressures distorting the Earth's shape. The equator bowed outward while the poles were squashed. 2) Global water levels, including the Mediterranean Sea, fell during glacial ice formation. Humanity followed the water. 3) Glaciers (in general) release their stored water all at once instead of a slow melting. 5) The release of glacial waters on a global scale would have rushed in a great flood between mountain ranges and along existing river courses down to sea level. 6) The release of pressure over the poles as water rushed away would have created a settling of the equator's bulge creating seismic activity along most fault lines, including volcanic eruptions. 7) Glacial advance never reached (or only partially reached) the African continent. 8) Egyptian society, living higher up the Nile, would have been sheltered from a wave type flood, (sheltered by mountain ranges deeper within the African continent) but exposed to a rise in sea levels from the Mediterranean. 9) Sea level would have risen rapidly over existing human developments. Please email responses to www.gregarious1@hotmail.com Scott Thompson
By: Scott Thompson

Tue Jul 6 13:58:11 2004

Fascinating stuff. It's great to see a comprehensive perspective (it's so easy to get lost in the particulars).
By: Gene Mesco

Sun Aug 15 17:11:26 2004

Hi mr donnelly i love your work i just want to know about the biggest meteor to hit earth and I am using the computers at school because I don't have a computer at home
By: Courtney Jamieson

Sun Aug 15 17:11:30 2004

Hi mr donnelly i love your work i just want to know about the biggest meteor to hit earth and I am using the computers at school because I don't have a computer at home
By: Courtney Jamieson

Mon Oct 25 06:12:50 2004

Dear Writer, Congratulations, a very intersting read on many levels. Your comments page does not reflect whether or not you reply comments, do you? One brief question with two faces if you do, and if I may: (i): Externally, if known, were both the ultimate and proximate causes [terrestrial, extra-terrestrial or otherwise] of the events your site describes, of natural, accidental, or intentonal agency?, and (ii) If shareable, the same question about the reasons for and approach to this site? Respectfully, Kyle P.S. It appears you've stopped publishing on this site, is this observation correct?
By: kyle

Wed Nov 10 15:58:02 2004

This site is so kool,it has alot of alot of info....But one thing I would really like to know is ,Is the next ice age soon??On channel 1 I heard that the coldest place on earth is heating up,and hey said it could be Globel Warming...I am very worried..I am only 13 years old and i am very worried...Please tell me something SOON!I know that Globel Warming causes an ice age...PLEASE email me back!!!!!!! Kelly
By: Kelly Snodgrass

Thu Nov 11 06:40:13 2004

ur site sucks
By: fucker