Cancer Culture

Usually cancer is studied as a distinct, finite, disease that some unfortunate people get. Nevertheless, over half of all Americans will be diagnosed with an invasive cancer. In this book, based in extensive analysis of the history, politics, and science of cancer, as well as years of fieldwork, I examine the ways that cancer is not separate from, but is central to medical, political, and social economies.




Countering Time: The Medical Apology
in Austin Sarat, Andrew Parker, and Martha Umphrey (eds.) The Subject of Responsibility




The Mortality Effect: Counting the Dead
Public Culture, forthcoming, vol. 21

Be Prepared
in Jonathan Metzl and Anna Kirkland (eds.), Against Health, NYU Press., vol. 21




Cancer Butch
Cultural Anthropology, vol. 22(4): 501-538.

Living in Prognosis: Toward an Elegaic Politics
Representations, Spring 2007: 77-92.