Scholarly papers that have recently been published:

When mathematics is on trial, Between December 2021 and July 2023, I was an expert witness in a class action lawsuit in Illinois that raises issues of significant relevance to mathematics and its role in society. This is the expert testimony I submitted (under oath) to the Court.

Teaching mathematics as a way of thinking - not calculating, Estonian Journal of Education (Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri), Nr 9 (1), 2021, pp.33-59,

Creating an educational tool that uses interactive representations to provide a new approach to mathematics learning, Boris Koichu, Mario Aguilar and Morten Misfeldt (eds), "Implementation and Implementability of Mathematics Education Research", ZDM Mathematics Education 53(5), Springer Verlag (February 2021), 11 pages,

Primary school students' perceptions of scaffolding in digital game-based learning in mathematics, Liping Sun, Heli Ruokamo, Pirkko Siklander, Baoping Li, Keith Devlin, in Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 28, Elsevier (March 2021), 11 pages,

How technology has changed what it means to think mathematically, chapter in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Mathematical Cognition, edited by Marcel Danesi, Springer Verlag, 2019, pp.53-78.

Game-Based Learning with Direct Representation of Mathematics (jointly with Sara Atienza, Bryan Matlen, and Randy Weiner), Procedings of the 2018 Connected Learning Summit, MIT, Cambridge, MA, August 1-3, 2018, pp.2-9.

Data Science in Education, Employment, Research: Data Revolution for Sustainable Development (jointly with Fionn Murtagh), Big Data and Cognitive Computing Vol. 2, Issue 2, June 2018, pp.1-16.

How mathematicians learned to stop worrying and love the computer, in David Bailey, Naomi Borwein, Richard Brent, Regina Burachik, Judy-anne Osborn, Bailey Sims, Qiji Zhu (editors), From Analysis to Visualization, A Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Jonathan M. Borwein, Callaghan, Australia, September 2017, Springer 2020, pp.133-139.

Gamifying Assessment: Extending Performance Measures with Gaming Data (with Harri Ketamo and Kristian Kiili), AERA 2018 National Meeting, New York City, April 2018.

Modeling the Resituation of Memory in Neurobiology and Narrative (with Beth Cardier, Larry D. Sanford, H. T. Goranson, Patric Lundberg, Richard P. Ciavarra, Niccolo Cassa & Alessio Erioli), AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Science of Intelligence: Computational Principles of Natural and Artificial Intelligence, Technical Report SS-17-07.

Using video games to combine learning and assessment in mathematics education (with Kristian Kiili, Arttu Perttula, Pauliina Tuomi). International Journal of Serious Games, Vol 2 No 4, October 2015, pp.37-55. [See also the associated editorial, cited below.]

Is game-based math learning finally coming of age? (Special Issue editorial, with Kristian Kiili and Jari Multisilta). International Journal of Serious Games, Vol 2 No 4, October 2015, pp.1-4.

Pragmatic Phenomenological Types (with Ted Goranson and Beth Cardier). Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 119(2), July 2015. Special theme issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences, Mathematics, and Phenomenological Philosophy, pp.420-436.

The Music of Math Games. American Scientist, March-April 2013, pp.87-91.

Replacing PISA With Global Game Based Assessment (with Harri Ketamo), Proceedings of The 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2014), pp.258-264. (Editor), Associação Ludus, 2011. 21 pages.

Recreational mathematics in Leonardo of Pisa's Liber abbaci, Proceeedings of the Recreational Mathematics Conference held at Evora University, Portugal, April 28-30, 2011, Jorge Nuno Silva

Modeling real reasoning. Giovanni Sommaruga (ed), Formal Theories of Information, Springer Verlag "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", 2009, pp.234-252.

Situation theory and situation semantics, in Dov Gabbay and John Woods (eds), Handbook of the History of Logic, Volume 7, Elsevier, 2008, pp.601-664.

A mathematician reflects on the useful and reliable illusion of reality in mathematics. Proceedings of the workshop Towards a New Epistemology of Mathematics, held at the GAP.6 Conference in Berlin, September 14-16, 2006. Erkenntnis, Vol. 68, No. 3, May 2008, pp.359-379.

What will count as mathematics in 2100? Bonnie Gold and Roger Simons (eds), Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and Philosophy , MAA Spectrum Series, 2008, pp.291-311.

Answers to five questions Luciano Floridi (ed), Philosophy of Computing and Information: 5 Questions, Automatic Press, 2008, pp.61-69.

Information in the study of human interaction (with Duska Rosenberg). Johan van Benthem et al (eds), Handbook of the Philosophy of Information, North Holland, 2008, pp.685-710.

Scholarly papers that have been completed but not yet published:

Development of a Mathematical Problem-Solving App that Supports Transfer of Learning to Symbolic Representations (with Bryan Matlen), submitted to CHI 2020 Extended Abstracts, Honolulu, HI, 6 pages.

A uniform framework for describing and analyzing the modern battlefield (project for the US Army), 18 pages.

Information-based Model for Knowledge Management (with Duska Rosenberg), 19 pages.

Research papers that are not yet completed:

Confronting context effects in intelligence analysis: How can mathematics help? 70 pages to date.

Scientific Heat About Cold Hits 50 pages to date.

List last updated: August 22, 2023.