ME 471:

Stanford University

Mechanical Engineering Department


Last modified June 12 2012, 5:38  PM.


Final Exam is Tuesday June 12 at 60-118 (main quad) from 10:00AM to noon.


INSTRUCTOR: Javier Urzay. Office: 206 CTR Building. E-mail:

LECTURES: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 AM-12:15 PM at 240-101 (Main Quad, east side).

OFFICE HOURS: Mondays 9:00-11:00 AM at 206 CTR Building.



PREREQUISITES: ME 361 Turbulence, ME 371 Combustion Fundamentals, or consent of instructor.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is an introductory course focused on theoretical aspects of Turbulent Combustion. A review of fundamental concepts of combustion and turbulent flows is performed. Characteristic scales and combustion diagrams are presented, and basic turbulent-combustion models for premixed and non-premixed combustion are discussed. Time permitting, fundamental concepts in spray combustion will be presented. Some emphasis is made to identify key physical processes in practical applications for propulsion and power generation.

- N. Peters, ``Turbulent combustion'', Cambridge University Press, 2005.
- R.S. Cant & E. Mastorakos, ``An introduction to turbulent reacting flows'', Imperial College Press, 2008.
- F.A. Williams, ``Combustion Theory'', Benjamin Cummins, 1985.
Supplementary material will be provided in class.

EXAMS: Midterm Exam: Tuesday, May 15, in class. Final Exam: Tuesday, June 12, location TBA. Both exams will consist of two parts: i) Short Questions (closed books, closed notes, no calculator), and ii) Problems (open book and open notes, calculator allowed).

GRADING SCHEME:20% Homeworks + 35% Midterm Exam + 45% Final Exam.

REGRADING POLICY: Please contact the instructor for exam regrades.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: The Stanford Honor Code will be followed.

ACCOMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Requests for appropriate accommodations must be presented to the instructor.

HOMEWORKS: There will be 3 homework assignments. No late homeworks will be accepted.



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Due date:


Homework 1 HW1

April 24


AVE=95.5/100, STD=3.5/100

Homework 2 HW2

May 8


AVE=90/100, STD=1.2/100

Midterm Exam Midterm Solution

AVE=87.5/100, STD=5.8/100

Homework 3 HW3

June 5


AVE=83.5/100, STD=15.9/100

Final Exam Final

AVE=67/100, STD=6/100


SOME RELATED LITERATURE (by chronological order of appearance in class):
Liñán (1974) ``Asymptotic structure of counterflow diffusion flames for large activation energies''
Williams (1985) ``Combustion theory''
Peters and Williams (1987) ``The asymptotic structure of stoichiometric methane-air flames''
Peters (1983) ``Local quenching due to flame stretch and non-premixed turbulent combustion''
Balakrishnan, Smooke and Williams (1995) ``A numerical investigation of extinction and ignition limits in laminar nonpremixed counterflowing hydrogen-air streams for both elementary and reduced chemistry''
Boivin, Jimenez, Sánchez and Williams (2011) ``An explicit reduced mechanism for H2-air combustion''
Poinsot and Veynante (2005) ``Theoretical and numerical combustion''
Kolmogorov (1941) ``The local structure of turbulence in incompressible viscous fluid for very large Reynolds numbers''
Liñán and Williams (1993) ``Fundamental aspects of combustion''
Broadwell and Mungal (1993) ``Large-scale structures and molecular mixing''
Jimenez (2004) ``Turbulence and vortex dynamics''
Pitsch (2006) ``Large-eddy simulation of turbulent combustion''
Echekki (2004) ``Multiscale methods in turbulent combustion: Strategies and computational challenges''
Matalon and Matkowsky (1982) ``Flames as gasdynamic discontinuities''
Clanet and Searby (1998) ``First experimental study of the Darrieus-Landau instability''
Clavin and Williams (1982) ``Effects of molecular diffusion and thermal expansion on the structure and dynamics of premixed flames in turbulent flows of large scale and low intensity''
Ronney, Wu, Pearlman and Weiland (1998) ``Experimental study of flame balls in space: Preliminary results from STS-83''
Spalding (1976) ``Mathematical models of turbulent flames''
Veynante and Vervisch (2002) ``Turbulent combustion modeling''
Libby and Bray (1981) ``Countergradient diffusion in premixed turbulent flames''
Bray, Libby and Moss (1984) ``Flamelet crossing frequencies and mean reaction rates in premixed turbulent combustion''
Haworth and Poinsot (1992) ``Numerical simulations of Lewis number effects in turbulent premixed flames''
Marble and Broadwell (1977) ``The coherent flame model for turbulent chemical reactions''
Vervisch, Bidaux, Bray and Kollmann (1994) ``Surface density function in premixed turbulent combustion modeling, similarities between probability density function and flame surface approaches''
Hawkes and Cant (2007) ``A flame surface density approach to large-eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustion''
Peters (1992) ``A spectral closure for premixed turbulent combustion in the flamelet regime''
Peters (1999) ``The turbulent burning velocity for large-scale and small-scale turbulence''
Kerstein, Ashurst and Williams (1988) ``Field equation for interface propagation in an unsteady homogeneous flow field''
Peters (1988) ``Laminar flamelet concepts in turbulent combustion''
Joulin (1994) ``On the response of premixed flames to time-dependent stretch and curvature''
Pitsch and Duchamp de Lageneste (2002) ``Large-eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustion using a level-set approach''
Liñán (1991) ``The structure of diffusion llames''
Liñán, Orlandi, Verzicco and Higuera (1994) ``Effects of non-unity Lewis numbers in diffusion flames''
Clavin and Liñán (1984) ``Theory of gaseous combustion''
Williams (2000) ``Progress in knowledge of flamelet structure and extinction''
Effelsberg and Peters (1983) ``A composite model for the conserved scalar pdf''
Luo and Bray (1998) ``Combustion-induced pressure effects in supersonic diffusion flames''
Pitsch and Peters (1998) ``A consistent flamelet formulation for non-premixed combustion considering differential diffusion effects''
Pierce and Moin (2004) ``Progress-variable approach for large-eddy simulation of non-premixed turbulent combustion''