NBER/NSF Decentralization Conference 2005


245 Wohlers Hall, University of Illinois


April 29-May 1, 2005


Conference, Hotel and Coffee


Department of Economics, NBER/NSF

April 29  (Friday)





Charles Zheng

The Over-Concentrating Nature of Simultaneous Ascending Auctions
1:45-2:30PM David McAdams

Lack of Commitment in Uniform Price Auctions
2:30-3:15PM Aloisio Araujo and Luciano de Castro
  Pure Strategy Equilibria of Single and Double Auctions with Interdependent Values
3:15-4:00PM Break
4:00-4:45PM Roy Radner and Arun Sundararajan

Dynamic Pricing of Network Goods with Boundedly Rational Consumers
4:45-5:30PM Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts

Matching and Playing Games
5:30-6:15PM George Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite and Larry Samuelson

Surplus Sharing and Pricing in Matching Markets
6:30- Reception and Dinner at Timpone's

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April 30 (Saturday)





Omer Moav and Zvika Neeman

The Quality of Information and Incentives for Effort


Hugo Hopenhayn and Francesco Squintani

Preemption Games with Private Information

9:45-10:00AM Break




Howard P. Marvel and Lixin Ye

Trademark Sales, Entry and the Value of reputation


Yeon-Koo Che and Sergei Severinov

What is the Value of Legal Representation?

11:30-12:15PM Sandro Brusco, G. Lopomo and S. Viswanathan

Merger Mechanisms





Sichao Yang and Bruce Hajek

Revenue and Stability of a Mechanism for Efficient Allocation of a Divisible Good


Jussi Keppo, Giuseppe Moscarini and Lones Smith

The Demand for Information:  More Heat than Light
2:45-3:30PM Dunia Lopez-Pintado

Diffusion in Complex Social Network
3:30-4:15PM Break


In-Koo Cho, Mike Chen and Sean P. Meyn

Optimization and the Price of Anarchy in a Dynamic Newsboy Model

5:00-5:45PM Ao Tang, Jiangtao Wang, Steven H. Low and Mung Chiang

Network Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Congestion Control Protocol
5:45-6:30PM Herve Moulin

Minimizing the Worst Slowdown:  Off-line and On-line




Conference dinner at Levis Faculty Center


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May 1 (Sunday)


8:15-9:00AM Tilman Borgers and Peter Postl

Efficient Compromising
9:00-9:45AM Michael Chwe

Statistical Game Theory
9:45-10:00AM Break
10:00-10:45AM Scott Johnson, Nolan Miller, John Pratt and Richard Zeckhauser

Efficient Design with Multi-Dimensional, Continuous Types and Interdependent Valuations
10:45-11:30AM Susan Athey and David Miller

Efficiency in Repeated Trade with Hidden Valuations
11:30-12:15PM Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris

Ex Post Implementation

NBER/NSF Decentralization Conference 2005

NBER/NSF Decentralization Conference 2005


245 Wohlers Hall, University of Illinois


April 29-May 1, 2005


Conference, Hotel and Coffee


Department of Economics, NBER/NSF

April 29  (Friday)





Charles Zheng

The Over-Concentrating Nature of Simultaneous Ascending Auctions
1:45-2:30PM David McAdams

Lack of Commitment in Uniform Price Auctions
2:30-3:15PM Aloisio Araujo and Luciano de Castro
  Pure Strategy Equilibria of Single and Double Auctions with Interdependent Values
3:15-4:00PM Break
4:00-4:45PM Roy Radner and Arun Sundararajan

Dynamic Pricing of Network Goods with Boundedly Rational Consumers
4:45-5:30PM Matthew Jackson and Alison Watts

Matching and Playing Games
5:30-6:15PM George Mailath, Andrew Postlewaite and Larry Samuelson

Surplus Sharing and Pricing in Matching Markets
6:30- Reception and Dinner at Timpone's

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April 30 (Saturday)





Omer Moav and Zvika Neeman

The Quality of Information and Incentives for Effort


Hugo Hopenhayn and Francesco Squintani

Preemption Games with Private Information

9:45-10:00AM Break




Howard P. Marvel and Lixin Ye

Trademark Sales, Entry and the Value of reputation


Yeon-Koo Che and Sergei Severinov

What is the Value of Legal Representation?

11:30-12:15PM Sandro Brusco, G. Lopomo and S. Viswanathan

Merger Mechanisms





Sichao Yang and Bruce Hajek

Revenue and Stability of a Mechanism for Efficient Allocation of a Divisible Good


Jussi Keppo, Giuseppe Moscarini and Lones Smith

The Demand for Information:  More Heat than Light
2:45-3:30PM Dunia Lopez-Pintado

Diffusion in Complex Social Network
3:30-4:15PM Break


In-Koo Cho, Mike Chen and Sean P. Meyn

Optimization and the Price of Anarchy in a Dynamic Newsboy Model

5:00-5:45PM Ao Tang, Jiangtao Wang, Steven H. Low and Mung Chiang

Network Equilibrium with Heterogeneous Congestion Control Protocol
5:45-6:30PM Herve Moulin

Minimizing the Worst Slowdown:  Off-line and On-line




Conference dinner at Levis Faculty Center


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May 1 (Sunday)


8:15-9:00AM Tilman Borgers and Peter Postl

Efficient Compromising
9:00-9:45AM Michael Chwe

Statistical Game Theory
9:45-10:00AM Break
10:00-10:45AM Scott Johnson, Nolan Miller, John Pratt and Richard Zeckhauser

Efficient Design with Multi-Dimensional, Continuous Types and Interdependent Valuations
10:45-11:30AM Susan Athey and David Miller

Efficiency in Repeated Trade with Hidden Valuations
11:30-12:15PM Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris

Ex Post Implementation