Workshop on Natural Logic, Proof Theory, and Computational Semantics

Friday, April 8, 2011

       1:00-1:15        Introduction
       1:15-2:15        Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam / Stanford)
Natural Logic, Then and Now
(Related Paper)
       2:15-3:15        Bill MacCartney (Google)
Natural logic and natural language inference
       3:15-3:30        Break
       3:30-4:30        Chris Potts and Alex Djalali (Stanford)
Synthetic logic characterizations of meanings extracted from large corpora
       4:30-5:30        Larry Moss (Indiana)
Three flavors of natural logic: extended syllogisms, logics with variables, and reasoning with polarities
       5:30-6:00        Discussion
       6:00-7:00        Dinner

Saturday, April 9, 2011

       9:15-9:45        Continential Breakfast
       9:45-10:30        Thomas Icard (Stanford)
Exclusion, containment, and Natural Logic
       10:30-11:30        Reinhard Muskens (Tilburg)
A Tableau System for Natural Logic and Natural Reasoning
       11:30-12:30        Ed Stabler (UCLA)
Polarity, derivation, and incremental interpretation
       12:30-1:45        Lunch
       1:45-2:45        Ian Pratt-Hartmann (Manchester)
A Complexity-Theoretic Study of some Fragments of English
       2:45-3:30        Valeria de Paiva (Cupertino)
Contexts for Quantification
(Related Paper)
       3:30-3:45        Break
       3:45-4:30        Cleo Condoravdi, Lauri Karttunen, Danny Bobrow, and Annie Zaenen (PARC)
Beyond Natural Logic?
       4:30-5:00        Conclusion by Stanley Peters, Director of CSLI
       5:00-5:30        Discussion